If You Had A Thousand Dollars…

Fitness magazine recently polled readers and asked them what they would do if they had a thousand dollars to spend on fitness. Nearly half of the respondents would hand the money over to a personal trainer in order to get some motivation and personal attention for their workouts. Survey results included: 45% of respondents picked the personal trainer. 38% of respondents would buy a fancy piece of home gym equipment. 13% would take off on some sort of fitness adventure, like a hike or a mountain climb. 4% of respondents would use their thousand dollars to pay for a gym … Continue reading

Telephone Coaches – 1-800-Get Physical?

The number above is not real, but it’s based on a new concept in fitness that gives exercise enthusiasts and beginners a fresh take on personal coaching. We’ve talked about online coaches and personal trainers; we’ve talked about working with personal trainers at your gym. Now there’s a new ingredient in the mix that just might appeal to you, they call it the telephone coach. What is a Telephone Coach? A telephone coach involves hiring someone that can provide you with advice and motivation to keep it going on your fitness program. They are experts in psychology as well as … Continue reading

Fitness Thoughts: What Do You Do When You Screw Up?

Have you ever screwed up in your fitness program? No, I’m not talking about stubbing your toe or skipping the occasional workout. I’m talking about over training, failing to use correct form when you’re exercising and possibly even injuring yourself? First and foremost, it happens and you need to recognize that especially if you are just getting started exercising or you are ramping up your workout program. Enthusiasm Can Be Dangerous Enthusiasm for working out is a great thing, but often times when we’re just getting started on a fitness program we’ll be overenthusiastic and push ourselves in part to … Continue reading

How To Be A Good Client

This may sound like an odd topic for a Fitness blog, but we talk about personal trainers, how to find a personal trainer and even looking at personal trainers online. When you work with a personal trainer, you are hiring them and you are paying them for their expertise and their time. You have the right to want and expect the best. On the other hand, your trainer has the right to expect some things from you. So let’s talk about the ways you can be a good client and help the two of you get the most from your … Continue reading