5 Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits can be hard to break. But if they are standing in the way of you achieving the fit lifestyle you desire to have, it will be worth the hard work of breaking them. While everyone experiences their own challenges, there are some bad habits that are fairly common. See if you recognize yourself in any of these. The first bad habit is setting unrealistic goals. When you raise the bar too high, it can cause you to quickly lose motivation. You can’t run a marathon when you haven’t been off the couch in ages. Set small, achievable goals. … Continue reading

What You Shouldn’t Do

While there are some things you should always do when it comes to fitness, there are many things you shouldn’t. I talk a lot about starting off small, working your way into an exercise program and changing things up. But today we are going to look at some things you shouldn’t do. For instance, you should never skip breakfast. Experts have been saying it for years. It is one of the most important meals of the day. It can provide just the energy you need, as it kick starts your metabolism. I like to exercise in the morning but I’m … Continue reading

Developing a Fitness Plan

So you’re ready to get off your duff and get moving? You might feel a bit overwhelmed about developing a fitness plan…but you don’t have to be. First, write down your plan. I prefer to type mine up. There is something about seeing your plan in writing that makes it easier to stick to. My current plan looks this way: Monday – Cardio- Tuesday – Arms Wednesday – Core Thursday – Legs Friday – Core Your plan could look very different. You may have instead, the days you will go to the gym, the days you will walk or whatever … Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Stretch!

In a rush to get on with my day, I used to always skip stretching exercises. I just wanted to get in my routine and move on. These days I always make sure that I stretch. Perhaps it’s my age that has awakened me to the necessity of it. But whatever the reason, I have come to see the importance of it. As you age, so do your joints, which in turn affect your flexibility. Stretching can help improve your range of motion. It can make movement easier. Stretching is also important because it reduces the risk of being injured … Continue reading

Rewards for Exercising

What would motivate you to exercise more? What about receiving some extra cash? That doesn’t do it? Then what if you had to give money to someone else if you didn’t exercise? Hmm, now that just might do it! Well if you need something to boost that drive to exercise, you might want to try out a couple of new apps called “RunKeeper” and “GymPact.” The app “RunKeeper” keeps track of your workout performance over a period of time. The app “GymPact” provides rewards and punishments, based on the results of the “RunKeeper” app. So if you exercise and meet … Continue reading

Taking It One Week at a Time

You are probably familiar with the phrase “take it one day at a time.” There are many times in my life when I follow this mantra. However, it doesn’t necessarily work for fitness so I have adopted “take it one week at a time.” When I first decided a couple of years ago to really get serious about fitness, I knew from the start that I was going to battle with it. I get bored easily and I lose motivation. So I had to figure out a way to combat both. The problem for some is that they believe in … Continue reading

Make A Change For The Better

As a single mother I try to remember every day that I am the example Hailey sees most often. I try to live a life that I want her to emulate. I want to be kind, giving, loving and have no bad habits that have a negative effect on my life or my health. Maybe in my next life I’ll be able to give up chocolate and diet soda but in this one I’m struggling! We all have habits that we wish we didn’t and things we certainly don’t want our kids to pick up. Maybe you bite your nails … Continue reading

It’s the Little Stuff That Causes Discord

Have you ever noticed that it’s the little stuff that can make us crazy? When I think back to the past almost 20 years of marriage, I am amazed by the huge obstacles we have overcome. It seems like we have defied odds at times and come through some pretty difficult circumstances. Yet it’s the little stuff that can creep up and become mountains. It’s the little stuff that can cause discord. We let small annoyances, pet peeves and bad habits rule our mood. Forget the fact that we overcame the loss of a child through miscarriage…my goodness, if that … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 20’s

Fitness tends to take on a different life when you are in your 40’s, compared to those in their 20’s. So I am starting a series on fitness across the decades, starting with the 20’s and ending with the 50’s. Ideally, fitness should begin while you are still in your 20’s. When you develop healthy habits early on, you are more likely to continue them into the later years. There are generally two groups of people in their 20’s, those that don’t feel they need to incorporate fitness right now and those that are avid workout buffs. Those who don’t … Continue reading

Author Interview: Haley Hatch Freeman

Today I am joined by Haley Hatch Freeman, author of the new book “A Future for Tomorrow.” Haley suffered with anorexia as a teenager, and was able to overcome this struggle with counseling and through the help of the Lord. She wrote “A Future for Tomorrow” in the hopes that sharing her story would help other young women and their parents understand this disorder and realize that help is available. Haley spoke with me candidly about her experiences and I’d like to share that conversation with you. Haley, your story is deeply personal and not everyone would have the courage … Continue reading