5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Periodically, I’ve revisited the topic of personal trainers and the reasons why it’s a good idea to consult with or work with one. There’s a lot more to a personal trainer than being available to the rich and the successful. Personal trainers are for more than stars and athletes and while they may seem expensive on the surface, the long term value of working with a personal trainer may far outweigh the costs. The top 5 reasons you should hire a personal trainer are as follows: Completely Out of Shape – Looking to finally get on the fitness bandwagon and … Continue reading

To The Gym: In Training

My second day at the gym was a learning experience. I met with the personal trainer and she showed me pretty much the same exercises that I had been doing, so I was on the right track. I knew that walking on the treadmill for about 30 minutes was about right for me. I knew which exercises were going to do what I wanted them to do for me. I was right on target there. What I did not know was that my 4-1/2-5 miles of walking that I did 5 days a week really did not impress my body … Continue reading

To The Gym: My Training Session, I Thought

I had an appointment at around 10:30 a.m. with the trainer, so I got there early to walk the treadmill. Yes, I was anxious to start. Included in my membership was a one-hour session with a personal trainer. Of course, I decided to take advantage of it. I had researched fitness for years and practiced it. I had thought that I was doing the right exercises for my goals. Now it was time to see how close I was or if I was really far off. My session was cancelled. My trainer came over to me and explained that she … Continue reading

7 Ways to Break out of a Rut

The way we exercise goes in cycles. The average cycle is about 12 weeks, but of course it varies for different individuals. The 12-week cycle begins whenever you start a new exercise regimen or routine. You’ll get going. You’ll exercise daily, you’ll start burning calories and you’ll start feeling your muscles pumping. You’ll likely feel some euphoria and higher energy on a daily basis as you get going and maintain it. Life will be great. Sometime around week 12 though, something will come up and you may cut your work out short. The next day, something comes up and you … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Motivators – Five Ways to Motivate Your Success

Do you need some motivation in your fitness goals? Do you need some ways to get you going? Are you looking for a way to keep you from skipping your workout? Are you looking for a way to not only get you to your workout, but also to make you grin as you eagerly look forward to it? Here are five ways to motivate your success: Buy New Fitness Gear – Seriously, buying new fitness gear can inspire you to enjoy your workout whether it’s a jazzy colored top or more comfortable workout pants or even fun workout shoes! Hire … Continue reading

Do You Bosu?

Do you know what a bosu ball is? The bosu is a great fitness tool that is both challenging and engaging for your home workout or at the gym. A bosu is a half round ball on a flat surface. The texture of the top half of the bosu is like that of a balance ball. The idea of the bosu is to use it to engage your core muscles to maintain your balance while performing various exercises including push-ups, squats, bicep curls, triceps curls and more. The first time I used a Bosu ball I was working out with … Continue reading

Is it the Green Tea or the Locale?

Green tea is a wonderful drink that of late we hear a great deal about in news about health and fitness. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that Japanese green tea could definitely reduce the risk of heart disease. However, the study did not find any relationship between drinking green tea and reducing cancer rates. The FDA still states that they have found ‘no credible evidence’ to indicate that green tea reduces risk of heart disease. In fact, the evidence is rather sketchy other than the fact that unsweetened green tea is better for … Continue reading

Five on Friday – Five More Ways to Exercise

Lists, lists, lists – I love lists. I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of July. My daughter goes back to school on August 10th and her school is about 3/8 of a mile from the house. We’re going to be walking to and from, which means I get to walk twice a day and that’s going to increase my number of steps. So here are five other ways you can add exercise to your day that don’t require you to hit the gym or the weight machines. Fancy a diet coke or a diet slurpee (yes, they do … Continue reading