5 Tips for a Fitter Thanksgiving

Hosting the Thanksgiving meal this week, I have a lot to do. And I will be honest…exercising is not one of the first things on my mind. In fact, if I could have my way, it would be skipped this entire week. At least that’s what the “old” me would have done. I would have gone into this week thinking, “I already know that I will be eating more than I usually do come Thursday, so why bother to workout?” The thinking is that I will just start again on Monday. But like I said, that is what the old … Continue reading


Although I recently shared “5 Tips for a Fitter Thanksgiving,” I don’t want to give anyone the impression that you absolutely can’t or shouldn’t splurge. In fact, I might not follow my own tips. I think it comes down to the reality that splurging doesn’t necessarily cancel out all of the work you have done up until Thanksgiving. Your exercise and healthy eating doesn’t go out the window. You won’t suddenly put on 10 pounds because you enjoyed one day of good food. At the same time, I failed to mention in my last blog that not everything you prepare … Continue reading