6 Ways to Begin a Healthier Lifestyle

The warm weather is finally upon us. You can’t help but notice how great some people look in their shorts. You are now feeling motivated to get healthy. How do you begin? By following these 6 suggestions, you will at least be on your way. Every successful story has a beginning and perhaps today is your day. The first tip is to get out and walk. You don’t have to go and spend a lot of money on a gym membership. You don’t have to invest in workout equipment. Just start by walking. Walking is a great way to break … Continue reading

5 Spring Fitness Tips

It is not officially spring yet, but depending on where you live it is definitely in the air in some places. But even if you are still dealing with the last remnants of winter, its time to start thinking about the warmer months soon coming. Following are 5 spring fitness tips to get you started. The first tip is to invest in some good footwear. Don’t skimp on quality just to save a few bucks. You could end up injuring yourself if you don’t wear the right kind of footwear. You can find virtually every category of footwear available, from … Continue reading

Latest Hollywood Craze: Drumstick Smashing

I’m always amazed by the power behind a drummer. They bang at those drums with every ounce of strength they have, sometimes for hours at a time. It not only produces a cool sound but it looks like a great workout. Well what do you know? Banging drums has become one of the latest crazes to hit Hollywood. First it was pole dancing, then it was Zumba and now it is drumstick-smashing. The drumsticks are either wood or weighted and participants in the class will repeatedly hit the ground to fast-paced music such as rock or hip-hop. It works up … Continue reading

More Ways to Get Fit After Giving Birth

You had your baby three months ago and now you are dying to get back into your old jeans, but your body is not cooperating. So what now? The last thing you want to do is go on a diet. It may sound strange, but experts maintain that going on an official “diet” could derail your post-pregnancy weight loss goals. The reason: Studies show that moms who feel deprived of their favorite foods while experiencing stress from a new baby actually pack on extra pounds. Rather than diet, experts recommend eating a healthy menu featuring a variety of fresh foods. … Continue reading

Creating a Challenging Workout Routine

Now that I am training for another marathon I am back to running 30-36 miles per week. However, I could (and should) be running more miles per day in less time. That’s my challenge for the fall and winter (the marathon is next spring). The author of the training guide that I followed for my previous marathons is quick to point out that challenging yourself is extremely motivating. He’s right. After all, anyone who exercises on a regular basis knows when a routine is too easy. The challenge comes in pushing yourself to the next level instead of being satisfied … Continue reading

Ways to Integrate Exercise into Your Life

No one says you have to train like an Olympian to shed pounds. You can burn calories simply by taking a moderately paced stroll around your neighborhood. The key is motivating yourself to making exercise a part of your daily life. I know; easier said than done, right? My suggestion: Start off slow, but be consistent. Here are some tips that have served me well over the years: Workout in front of the TV. That doesn’t necessarily mean watching an exercise video, it just means being an active TV watcher. Instead of vegging out on the couch while you watch, … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review for April 14-20

It’s that time of the week and we’re going to take the time to review the week’s articles. It’s been a crazy week and I have some new stories to share for next week, including the fact that I picked up a new bike this weekend! I was fortunate enough to discover one that a friend wanted to sell at a garage sale and instead of being out a hundred for a new bike; I picked it up for just $15! I love a good bargain that lets me pursue my fitness ideals. In the meanwhile, here is our week … Continue reading

Dear Heather … Fat Burning Workout

Hello, well I’m 16 and going to start running and eating healthy. I weigh 240 and I want to lose 70 pounds or more in 6 months what should I do? And if I walk and run at the same time around a football field for a hour or more how many calories could I lose every week cause I’m want to do this every day until I reach my goal and drink lots of water only water and how many pounds u think I could lose every months? Could you help me Heather? Could you give me tips and … Continue reading

Stick to ‘Em! How You and Your Pet Can Keep Your 2007 Resolutions

Ah, the New Year. Fresh starts, new beginnings, and resolutions. What’s yours? Lose weight? Get organized? Spend more time with your loved ones? With the second week of the New Year drawing to a close and the third week about to begin, how are those resolutions shaping up? Are you sticking to them? If the answer is, “No,” or “Just barely,” take heart. This is about the time enthusiasm starts to wane (if it hasn’t died completely already), Real Life returns with all of its demands, and it’s very easy to find ways not to accomplish your goals. But never … Continue reading

Nine Ways to Avoid a November Exercise Funk

Tick, tick, tick, Halloween is past and November is here. Welcome Jack Frost, Old Man Winter or whatever you want to call it. In most parts of the country, the weather is cooling down and even if it’s pleasant during the day, it’s getting colder and colder at night. It’s getting dark earlier and earlier and even that early morning run is going to feel brutal when the cold air slaps your face and fills your lungs. Your motivation for working out may be dwindling as more severe weather wanders in. Trips to the gym may decline and let’s be … Continue reading