52 Fitness Changes – Part 5

We have reached the end of my “52 Fitness Changes” series. I will be ending with the final two changes in this blog but I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to encourage you. My suggestion is you print off these changes and then decide which order you will follow them. But it doesn’t have to be one change per week. You could step things up a notch and decide you are going to make two changes each week or more. Maybe if you are really driven, you will make one change per day. The point is that … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 4

Continuing on with the blog series, “52 Fitness Changes,” we are going to tackle fitness changes for weeks 31 through 49. By this time we have made some significant changes that will help our overall health. Remember that fitness is more than just exercise; it is changing the way you eat. It is not dieting; it is creating a new lifestyle. Week 31 – don’t skip meals (helps to avoid you becoming too hungry and the risk of overeating) Week 32 – implement circuit training into your workout routine Week 33 – switch to a whole grain diet (with your … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 3

We have discussed ten fitness changes that can be made over a period of ten weeks. Just one change a week and by the end of the year, you will have created some new healthy habits. Today’s blog is going to introduce twenty new changes that you can make. As a reminder, these are changes you will make over a period of twenty weeks. Week 11 – buy a pedometer and keep track of the number of steps you take each day, making 10,000 your goal Week 12 – implement strength training into your workout routine Week 13 – start … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 2

I recently introduced you to the idea of making 52 fitness changes. As a reminder, this isn’t something I suggest you do at one time. Instead, you spread these changes out and make one change a week. Since there are 52 weeks in a year, by the end of the year you will have done some amazing things to improve your health. I also suggested that you print these blogs, to use as a reference. You can follow the order I suggest or change things around. You can also tweak some of the changes I suggest to fit you better. … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 1

Imagine how different your life would be if you made 52 fitness changes. Of course, most of us cannot even imagine such a thing. It would be too much. But what if you broke that down? Instead of making 52 changes at one time, you made one change per week? Now that sounds a bit more doable, doesn’t it? Well that is going to be my challenge for you in the next five blogs. I am going to provide a breakdown of changes you can make each week. My suggestion is that you print these blogs, so you have them … Continue reading

What Have I Done to My Marriage? – Part Three, Salvation Strategies

Yesterday I wrote what turned into Parts One and Two of the “What Have I Done to My Marriage” mini-series. Where I left off in the saga was how Wayne and I weren’t even on speaking terms this past weekend. In our years together we’ve had our moments of silent treatments, but they usually remain just that –moments. Saturday morning we went a few hours giving each other the silent treatment, and then again that night and into Sunday morning. That’s highly unusual. Fear and Doubt Sets In Sunday morning I woke up frantic, unable to push the following thoughts … Continue reading