The Benefits of Breaking Up

Next week, we find out the name of my daughter’s third grade teacher and get a sneak peek of who her classmates will be for the upcoming academic year. I’m dreading it like a bout of head lice. Truth be told, I’m not too worried about the teacher; rather, it’s the potential classmates that give me the hives. I really, really hope the school took my bullying concerns to heart and decided to separate my daughter from some of the children who spent the better part of last year tormenting her. For my part, I spent the better part of … Continue reading

Affordable Winter Getaways

With parts of the country still digging out from nearly two feet of fresh snow, it’s no wonder flights to Florida are jam-packed. Why wouldn’t you want to escape to the sun, sand and surf instead of battling frozen sidewalks and brutal wind chills? Fortunately, there are places along Florida’s Gulf Coast that can accommodate even the tightest budgets. The trick to securing decent lodging this time of year without breaking the bank is to book early. According to Florida’s tourism experts, reasonable winter rates along the Sunshine State’s central Gulf Coast are available if you know where to look. … Continue reading

Other Ways Flying Can Make You Sick

So far so good. I didn’t lose my lunch… or my dinner, or my breakfast. Maybe the airplane water wasn’t tainted with bacteria after all. This time. Still, if you don’t hurl from the water or the food, then there are plenty of other ways you can fall ill from flying the friendly skies. In fact, bacteria is as close as the seat pocket in front of you. At least that’s what a new report claims. Health experts say that you are basically fishing around for cold and flu germs each time you stick your hand in an airplane’s seat … Continue reading

17 Ways to Brighten Your Spouse’s Day

It’s the little things that brighten our day, like the person who rings just to check how you are because they haven’t seen you for a while. Like the friend who rings to cheer you on and encourage you when you’re feeling down after bad news. It’s the little things in marriage that are important too. What things? Here’s a check list of little ways you can encourage your spouse and let them know you love them. See how many you can add to your marriage this week. 1. Encourage your spouse when they take on something new. 2. You … Continue reading

10 Tips to Break a Marriage out of the Rut – Part 2

Today I’m continuing the remainder of the 10 tips to break a marriage out of the rut. 5. Go on a Romantic Weekend Away. If money is tight and you can’t afford a weekend away, ask grandparents or another family member or friends to take the kids for the weekend and spend a romantic weekend at home, simply paying attention to each other and each other’s needs. Try doing simple things like a massage, a walk on the beach, watching a romantic movie, making love or whatever else appeals. 6. Record a CD of Love Poems Record a CD of … Continue reading

Chatting about Music, Romantic Suspense, and Pets: An Interview with Author JB Thompson

When I was on a panel at the Southern Festival of Books last month, author Jennie Bentley wasn’t the only one to accept my request for an interview. So did this next author, who moderated the panel. JB Thompson is the immediate past president of the Middle Tennessee Sisters in Crime and has always done nothing but welcome me with open arms and extraordinary graciousness every time I’ve participated in any SinC event. The funny thing is, every time I’m around her, I learn we have something else in common. For instance, on previous occasions I learned we both write … Continue reading

Without a Song

In the forum we’ve been talking about favorite hymns and church songs. Valorie commented she liked the old hymns because the theology is so rich. I agree. There are important bibles truths come out in some of those old hymns and so beautifully expressed. How could I have forgotten ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ – an absolute gem, though I like the version with the words, ‘Be thou my dignity, thou my delight,’ rather than some of the other versions that omit these words. When I was doing the music in my previous church I always specified we use these words. … Continue reading

Do Without and Get Creative

Sometimes scarcity, whether forced or self imposed can often breed creativity. This can be extremely valuable when it comes to frugal living. So many time we get stuck in a rut and do things the way we have always done them because it is familiar or easy. It is hard to think of a better way of doing something when the method you have right now works perfectly well. It is only when we have to work around a problem that the creative juices get flowing and we find some new ideas. Think about our parents and grandparents. During the … Continue reading

Latter-day Hymns: Truth Eternal

“Truth Eternal” is the fourth hymn in our current hymnal. Composed by Parley P. Pratt, a deeply religious man who used poetry as a means to express the feelings of his heart, this poem set to music contains beautiful visual imagery of the power of truth in our lives. The first verse reads: Truth eternal, truth divine, In thine ancient fulness shine! Burst the fetters of the mind From the millions of mankind! Brother Pratt shares his belief that as we learn truth and embrace it, our minds will become free of our old patterns, which, if incorrect, can hold … Continue reading

A Response to the NEA’s 2007-2008 Homeschooling Resolution

The NEA, for those of you who don’t know, is the National Education Association. And every year, they pass a set of resolutions as the ’experts’ in education. To be fair, this is one itsy bitsy tiny piece of their entire resolution. In short, they are against home schooling and always have been. They are so against home schooling in fact, that they’re willing to tout an article, written by a janitor, as good reasons not to home educate their child. But I digress. Below is this year’s resolution, and my response. B-75. Home Schooling The National Education Association believes … Continue reading