Learning Marriage from Your Parents

I was raised with somewhat progressive views on marriage.  It feels strange to even be typing that, and it’s certainly nothing I ever thought growing up.  I know that on the overall spectrum of views on marriage, the ideals with which I was raised would only be in the middle, and probably closer to the conservative side of the middle.  But it’s still so surprising to me how many people aren’t even that far. I’ve already shared my story about my college roommate.   The reason she and her boyfriend didn’t talk for years about division of labor in the household, … Continue reading

Halloween, Mountain Climbing, School Removal, and More!

It is time, once again, for the Special Needs Blog Week in Review. As always, there are a variety of topics to be found. A few blogs discuss tips for helping kids with special needs to cope with Halloween. There were also blogs about ADA upgrades, EE, cystic fibrosis, and a new study about autism and difficulties with using language to describe behavior. How to Make Halloween Easier for Kids With Autism This blog gives you some tips that can help your child who has an autism spectrum disorder to cope with all the changes that come with Halloween. It … Continue reading

Hello Your Home Based Job Is Calling

There’s a good chance that you have had to call a customer support phone number at some time or another. What you may not know is that the call center representative with whom you spoke may have been working from home. Home – based workers who keep all different kinds of work schedules enable companies to provide support to their customers around the clock. If you would like to work from home, you may want to see whether working as a call center representative is the right home – based job for you. As a heads up, be aware that … Continue reading

Blog Networks, Part 2

I discussed yesterday that Blog Networks are a powerful tool for bloggers. A network will provide more exposure and opportunities for your blog. You will also gain learning opportunities and friendship from those in your network. Networks should be small in number so keep it around eight to ten bloggers. Too few bloggers and you will not have an impact but too many bloggers and the network will become overwhelming to manage. Think of a core group of individuals who are likeminded and share a passion to blog and to grow. That is the concept behind a network. Starting a … Continue reading

What is Your Emergency Plan?

Sometimes, no matter how well you plan or how hard you work, there may be times when it seems like one or more areas of your home – based business are out of control. Sometimes the chaos is foreseeable, just part and parcel of your work. Sometimes it is not. Regardless of whether you think that you could have predicted or prevented the situation or not, it is time to put aside your feelings about the craziness of the situation and decide what to do about it. In order to be able to set aside your feelings about the chaos, … Continue reading

Daddy’s Girl No More

I always try to be positive about my ex husband, after all, he is Hailey’s father and she is a mix of the two of us so if I say bad things about him, I’m saying bad things about half of who she is. I worked really hard to make sure they had a relationship even going so far as to take her to his house and sit outside in the car reading a book so she could visit with him. I wanted Hailey to have her father in her life. Apparently that was more important to me than it … Continue reading

Be Flexible during the Busy Holiday Season

If there was ever a time in which busyness could become a good excuse for not exercising, it is certainly during the holidays. Most of us are working, taking care of families and trying to find time to make holiday preparations. I feel that stress of trying to get everything done. It is the middle of December and I don’t have all of my gift shopping done. I have yet to bake cookies and there are upcoming parties to attend, let alone planning out Christmas day in which I am hosting. But instead of using busyness during the holiday season … Continue reading

Wrap Up Your Finances Before The End Of The Year

I am sure that you are very busy preparing for the holidays right now. The thought of squeezing any more to – do’s onto your already gigantic list is probably not very appealing right about now. If you are up to it, though, there are a few things that you can do before the end of the year that could save you some money. Many of these things do not take that long, and the money that you could make or save doing them could help to offset the cost of all of those holiday expenses. Since you get one … Continue reading

Any Day Can Be Your Friday When You Work From Home

Thank goodness it’s Friday. These are the words that are uttered in many an office all over the world at the end of the work week. For home-based professionals, though, Friday may be just anther day. The work week of a home-based professional may be quite different from that of professionals that work outside of the home. While this is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, it can cause home-based professionals to feel a little bit out of sync with the rest of the world. As much as home-based professionals who do some or all of their … Continue reading

Think Fast – Did You File Your Taxes Yet?

As if your home-based business does not keep you busy enough, the month of April brings with it more than just those pesky rain (or snow) showers. That’s right, its tax season, and the deadline for filing your tax return is (gasp!) tomorrow. It is easy to understand why home-based professionals may procrastinate a little bit when it comes to filling out all of that tax paperwork. There is a lot of information that you must gather in order to prepare your tax forms, and you want to be sure that you include all of the necessary information and don’t … Continue reading