Why Regular Exercise is Important for Kids

Many of us realize that it is a good idea to get some exercise. Adults tend to think of exercise as a way to lose weight or tone up muscle. It turns out that getting regular exercise is more beneficial than randomly exercising done every so often. This is true for both adults and children. Are your kids getting the regular exercise? Regular Exercise is Important for Children The Mayo Clinic points out that the health benefits of getting regular exercise and physical activity are “hard to ignore”. Of course, some exercise is better than none at all. However, if … Continue reading

Exercise: It’s Good for the Heart

Most of us have already failed miserably at keeping our New Year’s Resolutions, according to the radio this morning at least 80% of us have given up on them already. This is pretty typical after the first week or two, but even if you’ve struggled with them a little so far, you have a whole year to perfect them so don’t give up hope! This year one of my many resolutions was to start exercising again. I, like most people, put on a few extra pounds during the holidays. When you have kids around there seems to be an endless … Continue reading

The Many Benefits of Walking

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a walk by the lakefront in our hometown of Milwaukee. The reason had less to do with exercise and more about getting out of the house. We had just experienced our firstborn child leaving the home. He left for basic training in Texas with the Air Force. We were left with a lot of mixed feelings. Dealing with our emotions was difficult. At times we were even at odds with each other, which is why my husband suggested a walk by the lake. For some reason being away … Continue reading

Continued Exercise During Pregnancy

It was my first pregnancy that convinced me that exercise should be a regular and consistent part of my daily and weekly routine. Having developed a firm commitment to exercise in the last three years, I find myself not only enjoying my workout routine during my second pregnancy but depending on it for relief from pregnancy aches and pains. I have discovered now more than ever before that consistency in a prenatal exercise is essential to a healthy pregnancy. In early pregnancy I continued to do my regular workouts without any need for modification. My goals at the beginning of … Continue reading

Exercise in the First Trimester

Exercise is hard regardless if you are pregnant or not. It just is. It takes commitment, will-power, and education. For pregnant women exercise is absolutely imperative. Exercise along with diet can almost guarantee a pregnancy free of major complications, manageable labor, and natural delivery. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to engage in some form of exercise daily during pregnancy. As to the intensity and type of exercise: this depends entirely on the individual pregnant woman. If she is active and has been exercising regularly before pregnancy, she can continue her regular exercise routine until it becomes uncomfortable at which point … Continue reading

Ways to Squeeze in Exercise

I am off the wagon again. I came into this week with so much to accomplish and so many outside things going on that I haven’t been able to squeeze in some exercise. I know that sounds like an excuse and in the past it has been one. However this time I really mean it. The only moment I had yesterday to really sit down I almost fell asleep. That would have been a great opportunity to do even 10 minutes of something; however, I could hardly keep my eyes open. And the rest of this week isn’t looking much … Continue reading

The Best Time of Day to Exercise

I am quickly discovering that one of the key components to maintaining a fitness routine is to find the best time of day to exercise. If you don’t find your niche you will be floundering around. I have been doing some of that lately. My problem is that I do better with schedules and routines. During the school year I am forced to be awake by a certain time in order to get my children ready for school. Now that summer is here, I find myself getting up at different times with different things on my agenda. The lazy days … Continue reading

Benefits of Morning Exercise

There are some real benefits to morning exercise. There is just something about starting your day off with a good fitness routine that can really set a good pace for the day. One of the benefits to exercise in the morning is that you get it done. If you are anything like me, putting off fitness until later doesn’t always happen. In fact, most times if I don’t get it in right away in the morning, it is very unlikely to happen later. Let’s face it, life is filled with interruptions, distractions and so many things to do that it … Continue reading

Who Benefits the Most from Exercise?

Attention couch potatoes: According to a new study, the people who stand to gain the most from exercise are those who go from doing nothing to doing something. Just when you thought that one-minute stroll from your car to the front door of the movie theater couldn’t possibly aid your health, researchers at the University of South Carolina release a study that says your walk actually is worth something. Scientists maintain that a one-minute walk is a great way to start an exercise routine. “Start” being the operative word. As long as that minute long stroll is the springboard for … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! The Benefits of Exercise

Well, my weight is still frozen at 258.0. Not an ounce beyond that has been lost by me. However, I’m pleased that I’m not gaining, and I’m also pleased that I’m creating within myself some healthy habits that will benefit me in the long run, even if the weight isn’t falling off as fast as I would like. There are many benefits to exercise that go beyond the weight loss. To cheer myself up and to continue to propel myself forward, I thought I’d share some of them today. 1. When I exercise, it boosts my self-esteem. I feel good … Continue reading