6 Ways to Begin a Healthier Lifestyle

The warm weather is finally upon us. You can’t help but notice how great some people look in their shorts. You are now feeling motivated to get healthy. How do you begin? By following these 6 suggestions, you will at least be on your way. Every successful story has a beginning and perhaps today is your day. The first tip is to get out and walk. You don’t have to go and spend a lot of money on a gym membership. You don’t have to invest in workout equipment. Just start by walking. Walking is a great way to break … Continue reading

Heidi Montag Claims 14 Hour a Day Workout

Looking for a way to slim down? Why don’t you try the Heidi Montag fitness plan? All you have to do is workout for 14 hours a day for 2 months. Sounds great, right? Let me first explain who Heidi Montag is, in case you don’t know. She starred in an MTV reality show that ran from 2006 until 2010, “The Hills.” The only reason I know of her is because she was also in a show I watched back in 2009, “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” Let’s just say she left a bad taste in my mouth…since … Continue reading

Creating a Challenging Workout Routine

Now that I am training for another marathon I am back to running 30-36 miles per week. However, I could (and should) be running more miles per day in less time. That’s my challenge for the fall and winter (the marathon is next spring). The author of the training guide that I followed for my previous marathons is quick to point out that challenging yourself is extremely motivating. He’s right. After all, anyone who exercises on a regular basis knows when a routine is too easy. The challenge comes in pushing yourself to the next level instead of being satisfied … Continue reading

Ways to Integrate Exercise into Your Life

No one says you have to train like an Olympian to shed pounds. You can burn calories simply by taking a moderately paced stroll around your neighborhood. The key is motivating yourself to making exercise a part of your daily life. I know; easier said than done, right? My suggestion: Start off slow, but be consistent. Here are some tips that have served me well over the years: Workout in front of the TV. That doesn’t necessarily mean watching an exercise video, it just means being an active TV watcher. Instead of vegging out on the couch while you watch, … Continue reading

Confessions of a Fitness Blogger

Some days, I just don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I just don’t know what to sit down and write when I pull up the screen. I have a confession to make, for someone who writes about fitness, enjoys fitness and works out regularly; I’ve been struggling for months to maintain my motivation, stay alert and just stay focused. It’s hard. Tell Me Something I Don’t Know Life is hard. I’ve always known this and I think hard work encourages a person to persevere beyond what they could do normally. That being said, I think that after … Continue reading

Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days

Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week, makes everything look possible. In fact, if you visit his website, you’ll see that he breaks it down and darned near anything is possible if you follow his example! I haven’t yet tried his method of losing 20 pounds of fat in 30 days, although I should. (Pesky pregnancy fat plagues me.) Given his other ideas, I am inclined to think he may have some good ideas about how to do this so let’s take a look at his proposal, shall we? He claims that, in the last six weeks, he has … Continue reading

Body for Life Day #12 Training: Lower Body

On day #10 we discussed muscle soreness and why it happens. On day #11 we discussed the sort of recovery cocktail we should be drinking after every workout. Today, we’ll discuss five ways to minimize the inevitable muscle soreness that comes with improvement and growth. Five Ways to Minimize Muscle Soreness 1. Warm Up: If you are doing the Body-for-Life 20-Minute Aerobic Solution properly, your warm up is included in the workout. The best way to warm up before a weight training workout is to find a treadmill, track or sidewalk and walk briskly for about five minutes. This will … Continue reading

Body for Life Day #11 Training: Aerobic

On Day #10 I discussed how muscles recover and grow. Now it is time to discuss the fuel that they need to do all of that. One thing that many of us forget about food is that it is first and foremost fuel. In fact, if we all remembered every minute of the day that food is only fuel then we wouldn’t have weight issues. But alas, we forget. I wish I could say I’m not guilty of this forgetfulness, but I am. Fueling our bodies specifically for recovery should happen within one hour of completing our workouts. Whether it … Continue reading

Body for Life Day #10 Training: Upper Body

You’re in the second week of the Body for Life Challenge and you’ve done a bit of weight training already. Chances are, you’ve also felt a bit of soreness. Before you get concerned, that is a good thing. Generally the day after you do weight bearing exercises (weight training, lifting), you’ll feel some soreness in the muscles that you used the previous day. This soreness is an indication that you have challenged your muscles to grow and they are meeting the challenge. Now, if you wake up completely unable to move then you used entirely too much weight and deserve … Continue reading

Body for Life Day #9 Training: Aerobic

By now you should be used to the Body-for-Life 20-minute aerobic solution. For three days every week you get to put in a great aerobic workout in less than half an hour. This takes up very little of your day and you can have your workout completed, along with a shower and change, in no time at all. Last week we tried walking, running in place, and stair climbing. These are all workouts we can do indoors and at home. The best part about taking the Body-for-Life Challenge is the fact that you can do every workout in the comfort … Continue reading