Breathing Tips for Runners

Running is an exhilarating way to get into shape. I know runners who run just for the sheer freedom it affords them. It’s also a way to get into shape, burn off stress and just get the mind refocused. When I was in high school, I went running every day. It helped, especially when I was angry, upset or just in general out of sorts with the world. Focusing on the sound of my feet slapping against the pavement relieved more tension than anything else. Breathing When you’re running, you start to pant. You lose the capacity to take a … Continue reading

Urban Runner’s Tips

Live in the city? Need to boost your running routine? Here are some urban running tips to help get you in better shape and stay safe during your workout. Runners enjoy and challenge themselves on a regular basis to meet their own personal goals. Runners need to maintain a healthy observance of their environment and their pace in order to protect themselves from injury both from their running and from the environment. This is never truer than when running in an urban area. Look for Nature in the Concrete Jungle It’s better to run on dirt or grass trails in … Continue reading

A Stitch in Your Side

The body is an amazing mechanism… when everything’s working correctly. But when one little bit gets out of step, you can end up in some serious discomfort. Case in point: a stitch in your side. What causes a stitch? This sharp pain is usually caused by a muscle spasm in your diaphragm — the muscle between your chest and your abdomen. When blood flow to the diaphragm is interrupted, the muscle can cramp. So, for example, when you’re running, the movement of your legs can cause pressure in the belly. The deep breathing you’re doing has the lungs expanding more … Continue reading

Athletes Embracing Yoga

You don’t have to be a Hollywood actress, a college-coed or flexible fitness fanatic to excel at yoga, just ask the dozens of athletes (professional and amateur) who have discovered the benefits of this ancient exercise option. NFL football players, pro golfers and stars of the NBA are speaking out about why they have turned to yoga in order to enhance their performance on the field, the golf course and on the court. According to the pros, yoga is one of the best ways to cross-train for a variety of sports, including running, surfing, swimming and skiing, where the body … Continue reading

Another Reason to Get Running

When I decided to run my first marathon almost a decade ago I didn’t do it because I wanted to get in shape, lower my blood pressure or reduce my risk of a heart attack. I decided to run 26.2 miles because a guy I dated in college doubted that I could do it. So, I proved him wrong and lost a few pounds in the process. It’s not exactly the most inspiring story out there, but it just goes to show that there are a variety of factors that motivate people to run. If you don’t have anyone in … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending June 6

What a week! Can you believe that it’s the first week of June and that we’re at the halfway point in the year? Intellectually I know time has passed, but it feels like yesterday that my daughter entered 1st grade and all of a sudden she was officially passing the 1st grade and is now a 2nd grader. It’s more than enough to make a mom weep, but more on that at another time. Right now, let’s take a look at our fitness week in review. Focus on the Olympics In our continuing series that focuses on the Olympic athletes … Continue reading

Walking vs. Running

Let’s have a little fun this morning with the difference between walkers and runners. In all honesty, there one is not better than the other, but if you ask a runner – they will say running is bracing, physically challenging and it helps them to focus their minds and their bodies on the target goal whatever the target is. Walkers on the other hand have no real interest in running, but they find walking whether it’s fitness walking, power walking or more to be the ideal workout. So What’s Better? I can say it till I’m blue in the face, … Continue reading

Autumn Running – It’s Cool Outside

We talked about the brisk days earlier and how the cooler days can do great for you as far as working out. But let’s focus on running. Running is a cardiovascular activity that tones up the whole body and uses a lot of oxygen. Cool weather is a great time for running whether you are just getting started or you have a lot of experience. For beginning runners, this is a great opportunity to learn what you like about running whether you are running before sun up, on your lunch hour or after dinner. But here are a few tips … Continue reading