Potentially Dangerous Fitness Choices

Watching the Olympic high divers execute their near flawless routines you have to wonder what their parents are thinking when they see their flesh and blood hurl their bodies off a 33-foot high block of cement into a pool of water. And when the divers heads come so close to the platform… yikes! I get chills just thinking about it. You can’t put a price tag on the pride that comes when your child is passionate about a physical activity, but every parent knows that some forms of exercise are more dangerous than others. Take the sport of cheerleading for … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review June 2 – June 8

Is it Saturday already? This has been a crazy week and our plans were sidetracked hard because the daughter was sick all week. She suffered from a high fever for five days and now she has a full-fledged head cold. Hopefully next week will see us back out on our bikes and swimming again. In the meanwhile, here is our week in review: Saturday, June 2 Does Becoming a Parent Means Becoming Sedentary? Studies suggest that with the shifting priorities and lack of sleep after a baby is born, parents are less likely to exercise than they were before they … Continue reading

Brockovich Investigates Mystery Illness

Teenagers in LeRoy, New York, have become stricken with an illness that has not been entirely explained. A doctor is calling it a “conversion disorder”, but the teens, and their parents, do not feel that this is correct. Environmental activist Erin Brockovich is now investigating the situation. There is something seriously strange happening in LeRoy, New York. Teenagers are getting seriously sick, without having anything in their medical history that would explain the sudden onset of their illness. The parents of the teens, and the teens themselves, are very upset, and demanding more answers about what, exactly, happened. Thera Sanchez … Continue reading

What if she wants to be a cheerleader?

As I’ve written, I enjoy the differences between my daughters and me. I’m even learning to enjoy outspokenness, extraversion and being a sports nut, all foreign to my own experience and leanings. But we probably all have some biases, don’t we? I know I really, really hope my kids will attend a four-year liberal-arts college like my husband and I did. I really don’t care what they do after that. (Actually, in this economy, I’m encouraging my oldest to learn plumbing and drywall. ) But there is something else, something which seems to symbolize everything that I was not, every … Continue reading

Does School-Based Fitness Fade Over the Summer?

I’ve made my feelings known on the P.E. requirements at schools and how I think they need to be higher. I’ve also made it clear that it’s just as much a parent’s responsibility, if not more, than a school’s to see that their child’s fitness needs are met. Even if you can’t afford to send them to classes, there are a number of free offerings available over the summer from community centers and more – and taking your kids out for walks and bike rides doesn’t cost you much more than some time. So when studies find that school based … Continue reading