A Holiday Celebration – CD – Peter, Paul & Mary

We finally got our tree decorated last night. Our traditional music for decorating the tree is Peter, Paul, & Mary’s A Holiday Celebration. The kids sometimes make fun of my other Christmas music, but not this one. Peter, Paul and Mary really have a timeless folk sound. They are accompanied on this CD by the New York Choral Society. This CD includes songs I’ve never heard anywhere else. “The Friendly Beasts” is a fun song that tells the story of the animals who participated in the first Christmas. The “animals” take turns singing. The listener hears the cow who gave … Continue reading

Winterlude: Instrumentals for Contemplative Christmas

Winterlude: Instrumentals For a Contemplative Christmas is always the first Christmas CD I listen to. The gentle and peaceful songs ease me into the holiday spirit. I don’t break out Christmas albums until after Thanksgiving, but this one usually doesn’t even get put up in the Christmas boxes. It’s also usually the last Christmas music of the year. The songs truly are contemplative. I like to listen to the CD while cooking or decorating. Even if the kids are playing loudly in the next room, this music relaxes me and makes me feel quietly festive. Winterlude is a gentle, relaxing … Continue reading

The Benefits of Christmas Music

It’s not that I am a Scrooge or anything but I hate Christmas music. I didn’t always feel this way, mind you, but somehow over the years I have developed this loathing for Jingle Bells and all other manner of holiday musical cheer. Seems to me that immediately the day after Thanksgiving– out comes the Christmas music. Today while shopping, Christmas music filled the air. I thought I was going to hurl. I tried to be patient but it was driving me batty. I actually walked out of KB Toys to avoid another verse of, “I’m Dreaming of a White … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review October 28-November 3rd

Good morning and welcome to our first week in review for November. It’s the 11th month of the year and it’s getting cold outside! With 19 days left to go till Thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful for and we’ll start with our ten reasons to be thankful for fitness later on today. In the meanwhile, here is our Fitness week in review: Saturday, October 28 In It’s Beautiful Outside: Get Out of the House discussed that getting your kids off the sofa and out of the house is something we should take every opportunity to do. In … Continue reading

Christmas Music & Motivation

Yes, it’s more than a little early, but I love Christmas music. When it comes to working out, sometimes the choices in music that you make can help you really rev up your performance and your enjoyment. While Christmas itself is still 8 weeks away, you might consider incorporating a few Christmas songs in your iPod mix or compilation CD. Most forms of art, including music, can stimulate endorphins in the brain. It’s why music can be very uplifting, it can bring tears to our eyes or put a smile on our faces. Christmas music is often very uplifting and … Continue reading

Just for You (1952)

Bing Crosby stars in this movie about a dysfunctional family who refuses to admit it’s dysfunctional. His character, Jordan Blake, lost his wife ten years previously and has been trying to raise his son Jerry and his daughter Barbara (played by a very young Natalie Wood) with the help of boarding schools and governesses. He himself is a big producer with eleven hit shows to his credit, and feels that all the time he has spent away from home has been worth it, for the life he’s provided for his children. What he fails to see is that they don’t … Continue reading

Fitness Challenge: Is Your Dog Fat?

I bet that title got your interest and it’s an honest question. Is your dog fat? Because if your dog is fat, chances are you are not getting enough exercise in your life. This is a great barometer for whether you are getting out for a daily walk with the dog or running with the dog or just letting the tail wag the dog for you. Regular Exercise Regular exercise is a vital component to your health. We’ve talked about all the different things exercise can do for you from helping you lose weight to reducing stress to improving your … Continue reading