New or Used Office Equipment?

We occasionally talk here in the Home Business blog about making purchases of office supplies and equipment. Depending on the type of business you are operating, equipment and supplies could be a major and constant concern or more of a periodic issue in your planning and budgeting. Even for those of us with relatively small businesses and minimal equipment needs, equipment may very well be one of our largest expenses. Deciding whether to buy brand new in a box, or consider something used or refurbished can be a major business decision. I know a few people who have bought used … Continue reading

Consider Refurbished Equipment

When it comes to setting up your home gym or a community gym as part of a homeowner’s project, you may consider investing into refurbished equipment. Refurbished equipment provides you with health club quality gym equipment at a fraction of the price. Let’s be honest, commercial equipment is designed to be used by hundreds of people on a daily basis. So you may not necessarily need commercial quality equipment for your home gym. However, if you were setting up a gym in your local community center or in your garage – the price of refurbished equipment may make it far … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 10

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. We talked about dehydration, sore muscles and assessing your personal fitness this week. The ball is rolling as we get ready for school to get out and summer fun to get going. We started the week off by asking: Are Your Muscles Sore? There are all types of reasons why muscles are sore from delayed muscle soreness to general aches associated with workouts. We later asked: How Is Your Fitness Going? We … Continue reading

Don’t Overlook Second-hand for Business Supplies

I have written a little about the purchasing of equipment and supplies for our home businesses–including how to budget in for the expenses and discern the value of purchases to the business operations, but I realized I had never talked about how everything we purchase for our home businesses does not have to be brand new–for home businesses on a budget, refurbished and second-hand can be a great way to go. I am amazed at how many great office and business supplies I see at thrift stores, antique stores, and garage sales. Not to mention those business that also specialize … Continue reading

Camera Repair, Refurbish or Replace

One of my friends emailed me yesterday. She dropped her digital camera and now it isn’t working quite right. For most of us cameras are a large investment. Not to mention all the photos she is missing due to not having a working camera. Her daughter is a very active teenager, participates in several extracurricular activities and many different sports. She wanted to know my opinion if she should repair it, get a refurbished one or possibly replace it. The camera is powering on fine, she can take one photo, the screen goes dark and she can’t take another photo. … Continue reading

Transformation Fitness: Get Fit Workout Plan

Looking for a great workout that will not only fit into your schedule, but get you fit on a schedule? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Many of us are looking for a workout that works for us and doesn’t leave us running in place, going no where fast. The following workout combines the idea of cardio and strength training in a circuit. If it sounds similar to the Curves program, then you may be familiar with the resistance and cardio training available at the Curves for Women facilities. These programs are a great way to … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Buy a Treadmill

If you are sensing a theme in my blogs today, well – you wouldn’t be wrong. Here’s my last top 10 on the 10th for the Fitness Blog and it involves investing in a treadmill. We’ve talked a lot about treadmills in this blog and I am definitely partial to them. I have one of my own and it’s probably my most used piece of equipment. So here are my top ten reasons to buy a treadmill, remember – this is only my opinion: A treadmill at home saves time, I can get my workout in on my schedule and … Continue reading

End of May Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of May and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and it’s hard to believe we are ending month five of 2006 and month 6 for many of us here at the fitness blog. Rather than waiting for the end of December 2006, let’s take a moment to check out how we are doing right now: How are your goals going? Have you started working towards … Continue reading