Dear Heather … I Have Been Unhealthy

Hello Heather. I have been very unhealthy for years now due to severe depression. I am now getting my life back on track and have been going to the gym for the past month now. Now I am (as embarrassing as it is to say it publicly) 22 years old (male), 362 lbs (I am thick and most don’t think I am that big), 5’11” and I walk the treadmill every morning (before I eat Breakfast) usually at 3.0-3.4 at an incline at 3.0 (for 55 mins/+5min cool down so 1 hour)…any idea about how many calories I am burning … Continue reading

Dear Heather …I’m Exhausted

Dear Heather, I’m exhausted. I confess, I don’t like exercising. I do it because I need to do it and because I read blogs like yours that promote all the wonderful things that exercise can do for you. I want exercise to do all those wonderful things for me. But I have four children, the youngest is turning a year old next month and the oldest is finishing up the fifth grade at the same time. My husband works and is often gone for 12 to 14 hours a day. I never stop moving, from the moment I get up … Continue reading

Dear Heather … Fat Burning Workout

Hello, well I’m 16 and going to start running and eating healthy. I weigh 240 and I want to lose 70 pounds or more in 6 months what should I do? And if I walk and run at the same time around a football field for a hour or more how many calories could I lose every week cause I’m want to do this every day until I reach my goal and drink lots of water only water and how many pounds u think I could lose every months? Could you help me Heather? Could you give me tips and … Continue reading

Dear Heather … Baby Wants to Get her Back, Back

Dear Heather How do I get rid of back fat? It’s a seriously annoying problem that I’ve had since the birth of my third child. I didn’t experience the same problem with my first two children. It’s very frustrating for me, many tops that I enjoyed wearing before look bad now and some of my sleeved shirts don’t fit correctly, I know it’s because of the bulges around my upper back and around the bra straps. Can you help? – Diane Dear Diane, Back fat. It’s an insidious and awful enemy for most women and it’s also one of the … Continue reading

I Want to Know How to Build My Own Exercise Program

Last week, I asked and you answered. One of the things you wanted to know about was how to build your own exercise program. An exercise program needs to consist of three basic elements: cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility. These are the three tiers of fitness that you want to address. Cardiovascular Training Cardiovascular training refers to building fitter heart and lungs. Exercises you might do to increase your cardiovascular fitness include: walking, running, bicycling, roller blading, jump roping and more. Essentially, you want to hit your target heart rate and maintain it for at least 15 to 20 … Continue reading

Your Playground Routine

Are you heading to the park with your kids today? It’s warm outside and kids love summer time to get outside and run, play and go nuts. If you live in a really hot state like Texas (hey there), then heading to the park in the morning means you get to enjoy the outdoors, getting the kids some physical activity and giving you an opportunity for a tough, 10 minute workout that won’t cost you a thing and can supercharge your whole day. Your Workout So, while you’re at the park this morning, here’s a workout for you to really … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Too Few Calories Can Be a Problem

I hate Catch-22s and when it comes to fitness and weight loss, you find a lot of catch-22s. One of these catch-22s is that while eating less may seem to constitute a result of weight loss – too few calories can actually be a problem for anyone who is looking to shape up or lose weight. When you cut back on calories too much, your body is biologically programmed to protect itself from various environmental conditions including starvation. So when you don’t eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode. When your body does this, it begins hording every calorie … Continue reading