Turn off the Television to Get Out of Debt

Did you know that simply turning off the television, or watching less of it can lead to more savings? I’m not just talking about the savings you will get from foregoing the $200 cable bill or the electricity it takes to run your television. I’m talking about the other hidden benefits, the secret savings that will kick in. Less Need to Buy Where do we usually find out about things that we absolutely need to have (although we never knew about them before)? Why the television, of course. It is still the number one way that we get our advertising. … Continue reading

The World Is Overweight

Do you want to know how heavy the world is? Apparently researchers have determined that if every person on earth were to stand on a scale, it would show a reading of 632 billion pounds (316 million tons). Those considered overweight, carry 16 million tons of extra weight and those who are obese, carry 3.8 million tons. To put this in perspective, that extra weight equals the normal weight of 56 million people. Which continent do you think has the highest body mass index (BMI)? I’m sure this doesn’t come as any surprise…North America. Keep in mind that North America … Continue reading

The 10% Rule for Running Doesn’t Prevent Injuries

Have you heard of the “10 percent rule” when it comes to running? It’s unclear as to who came up with it and when, but it is a way to help reduce the risk of injury for runners. The way it works is that you should increase your mileage to no more than 10% each week. There is no specific starting point so that is up to you. But let’s say you are running 20 minutes a day. After one week you should increase that time by 10%. This is a way for runners to safely increase the distance they … Continue reading

20 Diet Plans Reviewed by U.S. News and World Report

This month “U.S. News and World Report” put out a review on 20 diet plans. The diet found to be the best overall, which is not a very well known one, is the “Dash Diet.” It is especially good for heart health but has a lot of other benefits as well. After the “Dash Diet” comes: Mediterranean Diet TLC Diet Weight Watchers Mayo Clinic Diet Volumetrics Diet Jenny Craig Ornish Diet Vegetarian Diet Slim-Fast Nutrisystem Vegan Diet South Beach Diet Eco-Atkins Diet Zone Diet Glycemic-Index Diet Medifast Diet Raw Food Diet Atkins Paleo Diet They also ranked the top 5 … Continue reading

Do You Live in a Fit and Healthy City?

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) ranks the 50 fittest and healthiest metropolitan cities in the United States every year. They base it on a number of factors including smoking habits, exercise, obesity rates, and numbers of chronic health problems (diabetes, heart disease, asthma, etc.). So where does your metro city rank? Here is the list starting with the number one fittest and healthiest city, going down to the least: 1. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. 2. Washington, D.C. 3. Boston, Mass. 4. Portland, Ore. 5. Denver, Colo. 6. San Francisco, Calif. 7. Hartford, Conn. 8. Seattle, Wash. 9. Virginia Beach, … Continue reading

Dicing Up Dinner

Meal preparation can be tricky with a baby. My baby takes up a lot of my mental capacity. Some days, the last thing I want to do is think about what to make for lunch or supper, especially when I want my meals to be healthy. My baby makes grocery shopping more complicated. If she’s in a good mood, it can be a fun experience. I get to get out of the house, and my baby gets to see and hear interesting new things. However, if my baby is fussy, it’s a whole different story. Even after I decide what … Continue reading

Two Legs, Two Wheels

I saw an ad recently (but can’t remember where) about custom wheelchairs for pets. The image was of a small, white dog smiling/panting in a grassy backyard. Instead of front legs, the dog was resting on a wheeled frame. The caption was something like “I know my person loves me because they got me new legs” — that’s not the exact quote, but that’s the feeling I got. In general, pets are very adaptable. They bounce back from accidents and injuries that might be life-altering for a human. Lost a leg? Animals seem to accept it with a sort of … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: August 2008

With August passed, it will be hard to hold on to summer, but fortunately, we have a lot of memories of the “dog days.” We also have lots of great articles about saving money, something that is pretty important these days. Take a look at what was posted in August. August 1st Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008 July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: April 28th Through May 4th

With food and gas prices being so expensive, even the non frugal are becoming frugal. People are having a rude shock when they realize that their dollars aren’t going as far as they should. This is leading a huge interest in frugality and saving money. Living frugally is becoming a widespread necessity. That is why I hope that you can use and enjoy all of the great articles here in the Frugal Living Blog. Here are just the ones from last week, in a handy review. April 28th Frugal Living Week in Review: April 21st Through April 27th This week … Continue reading