Focus on the Candidates – Bernie Sanders

This blog is part of the series that focuses on the candidates who are running for President of the United States in 2016. This blog focuses on Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders spent 16 years as Vermont’s sole congressman in the United States House of Representatives. He was first elected to the United States Senate in 2006, and then again in 2012 (with 71% of the vote). Bernie Sanders is an Independent who is part of the Senate Democratic Caucus. He is running for President of the United States in 2016 as a Democrat. Health Care According to his official website, … Continue reading

Frugal Ways to Entertain Your Kids this Summer

Summer vacation is a time that most children excitedly look forward to. It is easy to see why. They get a whole lot of free time! Parents are going to need some frugal ideas for fun activities that will entertain their children. Here are a few ideas to try. Bubbles Little kids cannot get enough of bubbles! You can pick up small bottles of bubbles, complete with bubble wand, from a dollar store. Check the dollar racks at Target, too. Parents can sit down outdoors and blow bubbles that their toddlers will chase. Older kids can blow bubbles on their … Continue reading

Take Inventory Before You Shop

Before you shop, stop! Try this quick trick that will save you money now and in the long run. To save money, do a quick inventory of what you already have before you go shopping.  This will help save money in so many ways. From duplicate purchases to avoiding the pitfalls of shopping for bargains that you don’t need, a quick assessment each time you are ready to shop can make a difference. DVDs I’m ashamed to admit that we have two copies of a certain new Disney princess DVD movie. We simply forgot that we had the movie and … Continue reading

Can You Afford Room Service?

If you don’t mind forking over $16 for three strips of bacon, then room service may be a no-brainer for your morning, noon or late-night meals. The saying, “If you have to ask price, you can’t afford it,” takes on new meaning when you are traveling.  After all, we have to eat to survive, but we certainly don’t have to opt for the $20 chicken salad sandwich, plus the 18% gratuity tacked on because we’re too lazy to eat somewhere other than our hotel room. With the economy still in the dumpster, can anyone afford the high cost of hotel … Continue reading

Who’s Terrorizing Dolphins?

As if the sea life in the Gulf Coast hasn’t already been traumatized enough with the BP oil spill, now someone is mutilating and killing dolphins. The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS) in Gulfport, Alabama found a dolphin without a lower jaw.  The week before that, a dolphin with gunshot wounds was discovered.  Another dolphin turned up dead having been stabbed with a screwdriver.  There was even a dolphin that had its tail cut off.  All in all, six dolphins have been killed since the past few months. I’ve never understood how someone can kill an animal, especially one … Continue reading

Now’s the Time to Prune!

Deck the halls with loads of branches! It’s pruning time again. Actually, you can prune many different sorts of plants at many times of the year. What we’re talking about is winter pruning. Winter time is a quiet time for plants. Many deciduous plants have already lost their leaves and have gone dormant. This means that they are no longer actively growing and making food. Winter pruning means that you prune trees and shrubs while they are dormant. If you prune deciduous trees and shrubs in the winter, this will help them grow more in the spring. Winter pruning reduces … Continue reading

Hurricane Sandy Relief Continues to Pour In

Hurricane Sandy happened almost a month ago, but the devastation it left in its path will take a long time to clean up. There are still about 120,000 people without power in New York and New Jersey, but that also includes homes there were too damaged to have power anyhow. If anything good came from this, it is the generosity of Americans. Some physically went to damaged areas while others gave what they could to help the victims. I already wrote about celebrities that gave to Hurricane Sandy relief, but it is worthy to note that Lady Gaga donated $1 … Continue reading

Is Your Home Based Business Ready To Weather The Storm?

As Hurricane Sandy makes its way up the East Coast, many home – based professionals are likely to be thinking about what they need to do in order to get ready for the storm. Of course, what each home – based professional has to do to prepare will depend upon where he or she is located. On the more severe end of things, people who have to evacuate their homes must decide if their work is something that they can take on the road with them, or if they must do their best to get everything stored safely away before … Continue reading

Don’t Cry in My Cheetos

Thousands of tweens and teens across the country are choking up when they dig into a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, and it’s not because the spicy snack burns on the way down. Rather, some school districts are banning the crunchy corn puffs, claiming the cheesy treat is hazardous to kids’ health. The news has brought some students to tears, while others are flamin’ mad that school administrators would make such a bold move. According to CBS News, the Cheetos brouhaha started when a health teacher from Lyndon B. Johnson Middle School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, sent a note home … Continue reading

Hantavirus: Are You Afraid?

Yesterday, while on recess duty at my daughter’s school I noticed two kindergarteners making sand castles near the playground’s baseball diamond. And by sand castles, I mean dirt mounds. By the time I realized what they were doing, the bell rang and they started dashing toward the cafeteria door to line-up for lunch. Fortunately, another mom was able to make them out through their respective dirt clouds, intercept them and escort them to the restroom to wash up. “Did you see how filthy they were?” the mom asked as I held the cafeteria doors open. “Human petri dishes,” I sardonically … Continue reading