Getting Out of a Fitness Slump

Are you in a fitness slump? Anyone who has been exercising for any amount of time tends to hit these at some point or another. Coming out of a long winter for some, you may have been feeling the monotony of working out at the gym, running on your treadmill and using the stationary bike. But with warmer weather comes the chance to get out of the same-old, same-old and try something new. Being stuck indoors can put anyone in a fitness slump. There is just something about fresh air that gets the blood coursing. Get outside and walk or … Continue reading

Striving for Progress Rather than Perfection

I recently ran across a quote that I thought was very fitting for those who are trying to improve their fitness levels. The author of the quote is not known but it is this: “Strive for progress, not perfection.” Would you call yourself a perfectionist? If you are this can be a huge detriment to you as you seek to make changes in what you eat and how active you are. That’s because as soon as you mess up—such as eating that dessert you wanted to skip or missing two days of exercise—you feel like you are a failure. When … Continue reading

You Can Have a Successful Fitness Routine

It can feel like a successful fitness routine is impossible. But I think many times that’s because we are looking for instant results. We don’t see the importance of building up our routine, learning how to be consistent and the hard work it takes to get where we want to be. Too often we have the end result in mind. We are fixated on losing a certain number of pounds, fitting into that dress, or being ready for the summer season. What we have to focus on is the here and now. A routine is something you do without even … Continue reading