The Fitness Week in Review for Jan 27-Feb 2

We’ve negotiated a smooth segue from January to February. For most of us, January is a month of transition, we’re recovering from the holidays, we’re going back to school, we’re going back to work, we’re getting started on new work out programs and new goals. February is different though. February means the New Year isn’t just arrived, it’s here, we’re in it, we’re down in the shallow end and we’re starting to really wade out into the year. It’s been an interesting week here for me and as I described in a blog I wrote late yesterday, I’m waiting on … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review – Dec 30 – Jan 5

Is it already the weekend? Hard to believe that we’ve made it all the way to the first weekend of the first month of the New Year and of course, since it’s Saturday, you know what that means – it’s our first Week in Review for 2007! This week, the Fitness Blog is also proud to introduce a new regular blogger who joins us with a great deal of experience. As a part-time yoga instructor, Clarissa Adkins is going to be a real delight for our readers here in the fitness blog as she brings us the wealth of her … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review for December 23-29

It’s the last week of December and the last full week of 2006. We did our best to cover a multitude of subjects throughout 2006 and as we head into our second year, we are well aware of the fact that January is a key month for many people getting started on their fitness programs and diving wholeheartedly into their New Year’s Resolutions. We’ll do our best to be there for you and to answer all the questions that we can. So what did we talk about this week? Saturday, December 23 The Top Ten Best Fitness Gifts You Can … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review, November 25-December 1

Good morning and Happy Saturday! You’ve likely got plans today that involve shopping, decorating or even attending holiday events at your Church or other social function. So you’ve got a lot of plans and even if it’s just going to be a quiet day at home with your family, you’ve got things to do. So let’s tackle our week in review and highlight what we talked about this week in case there was anything you missed. Saturday, November 25 In Post Natal Fitness: Let’s Talk Moms we focused on a new topic we’re supporting here in the Fitness Blog and … Continue reading

End of November Fitness Goal Check

Wow – is it really the end of November? It seems like just yesterday we were out trick or treating and now we’re getting holiday decorations up, still worrying about those extra pounds from Thanksgiving. December also marks my first anniversary here at and the first anniversary of the site overall – so Happy Birthday and to all of you who have been with us here this year and joined us throughout the year – woo hoo to you too! The end of the month Fitness Goal Check began as a way to help us look at the … Continue reading

End of May Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of May and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and it’s hard to believe we are ending month five of 2006 and month 6 for many of us here at the fitness blog. Rather than waiting for the end of December 2006, let’s take a moment to check out how we are doing right now: How are your goals going? Have you started working towards … Continue reading

Pause for a Moment – Look Back

We spent the last few days of 2006 reviewing where we were and how we got there. January is here now and today is January 4, 2007. Four days into the New Year and for many of us that means a return to the normal day to day activities that consume our lives whether it’s getting the kids to school, teaching school, going to work and more. We’ve taken down the Christmas decorations and we’re looking forward to the weeks and months to come populated with their own activities. In many portions of the nation, we’re under several inches of … Continue reading

Welcome 2007! Happy New Year’s Eve

Tonight, we celebrate the end of 2006 and look forward to the New Year, 2007. For as long as I can remember, the birth of a new year has meant a birth of hope and a birth of new ideas. We can put away our bad feelings and embrace our good ones. We can let go of the past and stride forward to a new future. Not every year that is born gives us such a great bounty and sometimes, we find ourselves tossed off course before the year is even out of it’s cradle. I’m excited about 2007. 2006 … Continue reading

Dear Heather, Do You Trust the Calorie Counter?

Good morning, welcome to our third edition of Dear Heather and this week, we’ve got three good questions to discuss. I’m not sure if we’ll be featuring Dear Heather next week, though we’ll let next week take care of itself when it gets here. In the meanwhile, it’s December 21st and we have just 4 shopping days left till Christmas – including today – so I’ll try not to keep you here too long if you’ve got places to be. Do Calorie Counters Work? Dear Heather, I’ve been trying to get my workout in regularly and I have a gym … Continue reading