January Check In: New Year’s Resolutions in Fitness

We are nearing the end of the month and it’s time to do a check in. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions in the area of fitness? Did you set new goals for the year 2012? What often happens is that in the excitement and prospect of a new beginning, we eagerly put a plan in place. But then it gets pushed aside, forgotten. I don’t plan on letting that happen. We are going to do an end-of-the-month check in throughout the remainder of this year. Hopefully it will inspire and motivate you to keep plugging along. … Continue reading

Evaluating the Past Month: January

It is the end of January and time to evaluate how I have done this past month. It’s a good time for all of us to do that. Did you meet any goals that you set? Did you incorporate any changes to your diet? Have you lost weight? Do you feel more energized? Reflect on the good things. Spend time really thinking about positive changes you have made. It can be very encouraging. The biggest victory I had was going the entire month without a sweet…no cookies, cake, ice cream or the like. I decided to implement one “big” change … Continue reading

The Importance of Proper Breathing

One of the things I really enjoy about my Wii Fit Plus is that it draws my attention to aspects of fitness I might not otherwise think about, such as my posture and “Don’t forget to breathe.” I remember the first time I heard my virtual yoga instructor tell me to not forget to breathe. I thought, “Well of course, I would be dead” but there is more to it than just breathing to stay alive. What happens is that if you aren’t properly breathing while exercising, it can cause you to get an ache in your chest. Part of … Continue reading

Who, What, Where and Why

I talk a lot about setting goals when it comes to fitness, in both your diet and your exercise. But sometimes we set goals and we don’t really think about why we have those goals. The “who, what, where and why” are important when it comes to goal setting. For instance, let’s say you decided at the beginning of the year that you want to lose 50 pounds. “Who” do you want to lose it for? This is really important because when it’s for someone other than yourself you are not likely to succeed. It has to come from deep … Continue reading