A is for Abdominals

Let’s get serious about changing our thinking on shrinking. In this case, we’re talking about that annoying belly fat that most women suffer from after giving birth. But what you need to focus on is not just that belly fat, but also the entirety of your middle. This area of your body is called your core and it focuses on your abdominals You want exercises that target your entire core. Crunches, for example, are great for your upper and front abdominal muscles. They don’t work your oblique – to work your oblique, you need to perform bicycle crunches. You also … Continue reading

Goals – Building, Living and Being Inspired

Every day we hear about the threat of obesity against our children, our future and ourselves. Fitness and health are more than a niche market, in fact, it seems like everyone is getting in on the act. My mother called me yesterday and we were talking and she mentioned off hand that she just picked up an elliptical machine. You could have scraped my jaw off the floor! My mother bought an elliptical machine? She ordered an elliptical machine, received delivery, put it together and plans to use it. WOW! Then she tells me something else that threw me, up … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review May 6 – May 12

Wow, halfway through May and the summer fitness season is ramping up. We’re going to spend a lot of time over the next few weeks discussing summer fitness including biking, swimming, outdoor sports and much, much more. My daughter is interested in checking out soccer this summer along with her swimming, jazz dancing and gymnastics – what do you and your family have in the way of summer plans? I’d love to hear about it. Sunday, May 6 It can be difficult to get started on a new fitness plan when you are trying to balance a dozen other responsibilities … Continue reading

Dear Heather … Can you really be fit and fat?

Dear Heather, I enjoy reading your blog regularly and I have been tempted to send you a question in the past, but I always refrained. Now I’m biting the bullet and I’m sending you a question that I’m really curious about. I am basically in good health. I exercise regularly – 4 to 5 times a week. I enjoy riding my bike and walk every chance that I get. I play sports with my boys (they are 14 and 17) and I have low blood pressure and low cholesterol. The problem is I am 5’4 and I weigh about 220 … Continue reading

Author Challenges The Obsession with Obesity

In her book, Rethinking Thin Gina Kolata argues that being fat is not something that people have control over. A researcher asked the question: Would you rather be fat or blind? Kolata, a science reporter for The New York Times, shares the answers to the researcher’s question. 89 percent of respondents to this question all agreed that they would rather lose their sight than be fat. When you’re blind, people want to help you. No one wants to help you when you’re fat. The idea that people would rather be blind than fat is shocking, but once you start reading … Continue reading

Weight Training: Progression and Overload

We talked about exercise principles yesterday and the importance of doing it right the first time in order to promote your success. One of the principles we discussed was the concept of overload. I know from at least one reader’s note that I wasn’t exactly clear on what overload is, so today I want to talk about progression and overload. Overload Your body is designed to adapt to stress and to load. For example, when you’re pregnant, you get progressively heavier. You don’t go from being 1 month pregnant to 9 months pregnant overnight. This important because the progressive gain … Continue reading

Exercise Principles: Do It Right & It Works

When you were a kid if you shoved everything on the floor in your room under your bed, this is not what you mother meant when she told you to clean up your room. When your teacher told you to do your homework and turn it in on Friday, you probably lost points if it didn’t make it in until the following week. When we’re a kid, we’re told over and over again – do it right the first time. Do It Right the First Time We have a saying in our house, if you do it right the first … Continue reading