Avoid the Bedtime Battle

Daylight saving time ends in the wee hours of Sunday morning. For many parents, the occasion can be bittersweet. While “falling back” yields an extra hour to spend however you desire, it can also mean extra-tired kids whose bodies don’t acclimate well to time changes. My daughter is a warrior when it comes to bedtime. The kid fights off sleep like a Roman gladiator. She’s Spartacus, sleep is the enemy, and I have to suffer through the nightly battle. Add in the whole turn-your-clocks-back-an-hour business and things can get rough. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid going to war … Continue reading

Some Friendly Skies for Families

Let’s face it; with the crack down on carry-on bags, the exorbitant price of airfare and the elimination of free meals, flying on commercial airlines can be a real pain. And as many parents can tell you, that torture is multiplied when you are taking flight with young children in tow. Fortunately, there is some good news for families traveling by air this summer. Just a few days ago, Allegiant Air announced that it will not add to parents’ anxiety by splitting up families on flights. The carrier modified its check-in system so passengers under the age of 14 will … Continue reading

The Baby Weight Battle Continues

There are few women I know that haven’t struggled with their body image at one time or another. As mothers I think we struggle even more. The media constantly bombards us with vain messages that make us feel inadequate if we don’t have a size 0 waist and a perfect figure. After having a baby, let’s face it, few of us fit the mold. As a single mother it gets even harder. Finding time to shower is a challenge most days, let alone finding the time to exercise. It is often shoved to the side as other priorities take its … Continue reading

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Mommy

Taking care of your children when you are sick can be more than challenging as a single parent. There’s no one there to take care of the kids while you are stuck in bed. You have no choice but to do it yourself. While getting sick is inevitable, here are some tips and tricks to keep it from happening quite as often. Start with cutting down on your stress load. The more stressed you are the more susceptible you are to illness. As a single parent this may seem nearly impossible since you are doing the work of two, but … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Obesity

I have heard a lot of talk about obesity in children. Advice to prevent that ranges from “feed your child better foods” to “turn off the video games”. Parents of kids who have certain special needs require more tools than those pieces of advice. Your child’s medications could be affecting his or her weight. Kids that are extremely overweight, or obese, face certain health risks. They may develop insulin resistance, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes. These kids could be experiencing sleep apnea, which means that they are unable to get restful sleep. Some children who are overweight will begin puberty … Continue reading

DIY Kids’ Photography

In a previous post I shared my excitement about scoring a manager’s special coupon to Sears Portrait Studio. I was told that I would be saving hundreds of dollars by booking a session to get my daughter’s photos taken—-so I did. Turns out, I didn’t save hundreds of dollars. In fact, whatever I saved, I ended up spending in order to purchase extra prints for various family members and friends. I’m pretty sure Sears planned it that way. That’s okay, though, I knew the coupon was incentive to book the session, and the employees at our local portrait studio didn’t … Continue reading

Manners Matter

Are you shocked by the social ineptitude of today’s youth? How many times have you been greeted by a tween offering an outstretched hand and a courteous, “Nice to see you again, Mrs. or Mr. So-and-so?” Or, answered your home phone and had your child’s friend identify himself and actually use the word “please” when asking to speak to your son or daughter rather than demanding to talk to Junior without even saying “Hello” first? Is the lack of etiquette exercised by today’s youth an epic parental fail? I am a stickler when it comes to manners; much to the … Continue reading

Disney Sing It: Family Hits

My husband and I are video game addicts. Console or computer, it doesn’t matter; we own a bunch of games and have played even more that we’ve borrowed from friends or swapped for others at GameSpot. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone here that my favorite game of all time is Kingdom Hearts. The super-popular Japanese franchise blends the action-RPG style of the Legend of Zelda games with an original and epic story line, one that includes character cameos from Final Fantasy (one of the most popular series of video games). But most importantly, the story revolves around … Continue reading

The Perfect Size Exercise Ball for You

The exercise ball is deceiving. It does not look like a useful fitness item that will help you to get into shape, but believe or not, it is. By using the exercise ball in combination with a good weight loss regime you will be in shape in no time. Exercise balls are used in Pilates, Yoga and in simple floor exercises. However, to obtain the full beneficial results when exercising you need to buy the correct size ball. The correct size ball is determined by your height. They range in sizes of 45 cm to 85 cm. If you are: … Continue reading

Why You Should Get Your Kids to Jump Rope

Did you know that 15 percent of American children are overweight or obese? Even more alarming is the fact that according to the Centers for Disease Control, that number has doubled in the past two decades. As a result, doctors say parents should encourage their children to engage in any kind of activity to get them moving. Jumping rope is not only good for boosting your mood during cold, gloomy winter days, but it is also a simple and fun exercise that burns calories. If your child has shifted into couch potato mode and you are looking for a way … Continue reading