Easy Ways to Burn Calories

I’ve slacked off on the gym, so now I am looking for ways to burn calories. I can across this list of easy ways to burn 100 calories from Our Lady of Weigh Loss, Janice Taylor. These are things I could (and probably should be doing): Vacuuming This I can do! If you vacuum for just 25 minutes, you can burn 100 calories. Janice, however, lives in a New York City apartment that only takes 10 minutes to vacuum, so she volunteers to do her neighbor’s vacuuming as well. Who is going to turn that kind of offer down? Drink … Continue reading

Ratatouille (2007)

Let me preface this review by saying that although this movie is gorgeously done animation by director and writer Brad Bird (The Incredibles 2004), this fairytale about a Remy the Rat’s dreams of being a master chef coming true does have one significant problem for parents. The animation is so well done that the scenes of the rats fleeing one home at the beginning or swarming together to help Remy towards the end are so very well done that it was nauseating. It was like actually watching a tidal wave of rats and I’m sorry Disney and Pixar – you … Continue reading

I Don’t Like Babies

Okay, hold on to your hats moms and dads. I read this article this morning entitled “bored mom sparks outrage.” Apparently, an American expatriate in Great Britain wrote an editorial on how boring she found being a mother. Now, before you string me up for saying I understood what she was talking about – most moms do. It just sounds horrible for us to say we find mom hood boring. My husband’s grandmother, a mother of eight children herself, did not like babies. She liked toddlers. She loved children – but she didn’t like babies. A friend of mine loves … Continue reading