Fitness Doldrums

Fitness doldrums…they are likely to hit anyone who engages in an exercise program for any length of time. They can hit you early on or not until later. But they are a common reason for people to lose motivation. You lost your zest, your energy. It becomes boring and monotonous. You start to wonder if it’s really making any difference. One of the common reasons for fitness doldrums to hit is because you have reached your plateau. You can only go up but you choose to remain where you are. Perhaps it’s just a matter of challenging yourself? You walk … Continue reading

Financial Reasons to Stay Fit

If there is one financial woe that my family is constantly dealing with, it is medical bills. It seems just when we are on the verge of making a dent, something happens to bring us back down. What does this have to do with fitness? Well, I was recently reading that medical costs in later years could be significantly diminished by living a fit lifestyle in your middle ages. Now that my first child is about to leave our home, there is that bit of relief that we will be no longer financially responsible for him. I’m just keeping it … Continue reading

Changes in Maternity Benefits for Federal Employees

Good news may be on the horizon for federal employees. Two weeks ago, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Federal Workforce Subcommitee approved a bill that would offer federal employees four weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of an infant. This is amazing news for mothers to be employed by the federal government. The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 provided 12 weeks of unpaid leave for many reasons, including the birth of a baby. The problem with this legislation is the leave is unpaid. The new bill would offer new mothers the security of some … Continue reading

Financial Preparedness Advice from Money Bloggers

One important part of preparing for the future is having your finances in order. The money blog here at is a great resource for learning to budget your money, save, invest, and get out of debt. Here are some great articles to read that will help you be financially prepared for whatever life has to offer: Preparing for death: Writing Down Your Wishes Everyone should have a will, especially those with children or those married with children from a previous relationship. The Basics of Estate Planning For more information on starting a will or trust, read this article. Getting … Continue reading

Being Held Accountable

I have been re-evaluating my fitness goals (it is just over the halfway point for those who made New Year’s resolutions)…feeling good about some things and not so good about others. For instance, I am doing better than I ever have when it comes to exercising. At the minimum I am exercising three days a week for 30 minutes. But most of the time it is five days a week for 30 minutes. However, my goal to also incorporate some walking at night hasn’t really happened. Some of that I can blame on the weather. As if hot weather (my … Continue reading

Motivation Is Key

I talk a lot about motivation when it comes to fitness. That’s because it is key to starting up and maintaining a fit lifestyle. Motivation has two general definitions. The first is “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” So this means that an individual’s reasons for wanting to be fit are unique to that person. For some people it is to get healthier. This can be a huge motivation for those who are diagnosed with certain types of health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. For other people their reason is … Continue reading

Have You Supersized Your Expectations?

Go into any fast food drive through and you will be asked if you want to “supersize” your order, to get just a little bit more than what you were originally expecting. The problem is that those supersized meals can lead to fat belly and a skinny wallet. When we want to save money or live within our means, we talk a lot about the opposite, downsizing. This could be anything from cutting back on the number of times per week that we eat out to moving into a smaller home. Downsizing things can certainly save money. But, if you … Continue reading

Prepared Father?

Becoming a father was not foremost on my mind when I was growing up. Even the thought of beginning a relationship with a member of the opposite sex gave me so much stress, I avoided it. And yet I knew I probably would marry and have children, and I wanted certain things for them. I wasn’t much of a Scout, either, for a whole host of reasons, and so didn’t practice the Scout motto “Be Prepared.” This has had some negative effects on my life, as I now see the value of being prepared and the benefits the Boy Scouts … Continue reading

Health Insurance Extended to Domestic Partners in Louisville

The Metro Government in Louisville, Kentucky, has decided to extend health insurance coverage to the domestic partners of city employees. This decision was made, in part, so the government would stay competitive with companies that already were offering health benefits for domestic partners. Right now, the majority of Americans who have health insurance coverage are able to afford it because it comes from their employer. Companies that want to attract the most qualified, best skilled, hardest working employees are going to have to find a way to compete with rival companies for the attention of those potential employees. One way … Continue reading

Do You Miss That Extra Paycheck Since Splitting Up?

If you miss having a second income since your divorce or feel you may have permanently messed up your children with the breakup, read on and see why this was truly the best decision you could have made. The truth is that many single parents live on one paycheck, myself included, but it’s not easy to leave financial security behind and venture off on your own. As a life and relationship coach, I’ve helped thousands of women over the years to get out of unhealthy relationships, raise their confidence, and find more fulfilling lives and loves. When a woman is … Continue reading