Cats (and Dogs) Do a Body Good

I was reading an issue of Woman’s World today that had a blurb called “The purr-fect way to protect your heart!” Of course this caught my eye. “Sorry, dogs, but when it comes to keeping pet owners healthy, cats win paws-down! That’s the news from a recent large-scale study, which found that owning a cat slashes your risk of a heart attack by 40% and reduces your risk of stroke and heart failure by 30% compared to those who’ve never had a cat or dog—and this was true even after accounting for other risk factors, such as age, blood pressure … Continue reading

Fitness Challenges: Power Yoga

If you are looking for a challenging workout, then a Power Yoga class may be a great option. Some Power Yoga classes are combined with heat to create names like “Hot Power Yoga Flow” or just “Hot Yoga,” but there can be quite a range of interpretations to what exactly these entail. Some of you may have called to mind Bikram Yoga which is known for its use of high temperatures in the studio to keep muscles limber and warm for increased flexibility. The difference between Bikram and a class named Hot Power Yoga, or some other variation, is that … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review, November 25-December 1

Good morning and Happy Saturday! You’ve likely got plans today that involve shopping, decorating or even attending holiday events at your Church or other social function. So you’ve got a lot of plans and even if it’s just going to be a quiet day at home with your family, you’ve got things to do. So let’s tackle our week in review and highlight what we talked about this week in case there was anything you missed. Saturday, November 25 In Post Natal Fitness: Let’s Talk Moms we focused on a new topic we’re supporting here in the Fitness Blog and … Continue reading

Fitness Challenge: Is Your Dog Fat?

I bet that title got your interest and it’s an honest question. Is your dog fat? Because if your dog is fat, chances are you are not getting enough exercise in your life. This is a great barometer for whether you are getting out for a daily walk with the dog or running with the dog or just letting the tail wag the dog for you. Regular Exercise Regular exercise is a vital component to your health. We’ve talked about all the different things exercise can do for you from helping you lose weight to reducing stress to improving your … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 12: Cardio & Flexibility

Good morning! How are you today? How are you feeling? Are your muscles sore? Are you energy levels higher or lower? As you are now approaching the halfway mark of the 30-Day Action Challenge, it’s important to make sure you are not over training. Signs of over training include: Extreme Fatigue Trembling Muscles Illness Headaches If you are over training or experiencing these symptom>s. It’s important to take the day off, take a step back and tone down the intensity of the workout. You may need to go to performing your workout every other day rather than every day. You … Continue reading

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is on the rise. It’s an epidemic of grand proportions (no pun intended). In this society that values looks and idolizes anorexic models, we simultaneously abuse our children’s bodies and stand by as they grow larger and larger and become more and more unfit. Childhood obesity has got to stop but the cycle begins at home. How do you know if your child is obese or at risk of becoming overweight? Knowing is half the battle. So many parents are in true denial, believing their children are simply “built big” or “sturdy” or retaining “baby fat”. It’s time … Continue reading

Yoga for Dummies – DVD Review

Yoga for Dummies is a designed to provide balanced workout for the mind and the body. These exercises can all be found in Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies For someone who has never practiced yoga, this is a great beginning DVD for first timers. The host is named Sara Ivanhoe. She teaches what she calls the daily dozen. These are 12 basic poses including some challenges and modifications. Ivanhoe has a very approachable voice and a calming manner. She offers the concepts and information along with the jargon in a manner that is ideal for introduction to yoga. However, those … Continue reading