Spruce Up Your Fitness Routines

We’re having a garage sale this weekend. We’re cleaning out all the clothes that no longer fit my daughter and we’re putting out for sale everything from shoes to pants to dresses and more. We’re cleaning out cupboards in the kitchen too and selling a dish set that we never use and much more. You can do more to clean up your fitness act than just cleaning out the closets. Let’s talk about how we can give our fitness routines a spring/summer spruce and get rid of the parts of your routine that aren’t doing it for you anymore. How … Continue reading

Exercise Principles: Do It Right & It Works

When you were a kid if you shoved everything on the floor in your room under your bed, this is not what you mother meant when she told you to clean up your room. When your teacher told you to do your homework and turn it in on Friday, you probably lost points if it didn’t make it in until the following week. When we’re a kid, we’re told over and over again – do it right the first time. Do It Right the First Time We have a saying in our house, if you do it right the first … Continue reading

End of October Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of October and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and now we’re leaving behind the ninth month of the year, as hard as it is to believe, there are only three months left in this year. November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration as President of the United States of … Continue reading

September: End of the Month Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of September and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and now we’re leaving behind the ninth month of the year, as hard as it is to believe, there are only three months left in this year. October is the month we celebrate Halloween. We have about 30 days to come up with costumes, trick or treating plans and more. It’s also the month that we … Continue reading

Fitness Thoughts: What Do You Do When You Screw Up?

Have you ever screwed up in your fitness program? No, I’m not talking about stubbing your toe or skipping the occasional workout. I’m talking about over training, failing to use correct form when you’re exercising and possibly even injuring yourself? First and foremost, it happens and you need to recognize that especially if you are just getting started exercising or you are ramping up your workout program. Enthusiasm Can Be Dangerous Enthusiasm for working out is a great thing, but often times when we’re just getting started on a fitness program we’ll be overenthusiastic and push ourselves in part to … Continue reading

Personal Fitness – Make it Fit Your Personality

Does not knowing what fitness program is best for you make picking out a regular fitness activity hard? Do you find that the broad selection of workouts, fitness trends and more an almost impossible plethora of ideas? Instead of getting overwhelmed by the options, embrace them. The thing about personal fitness is you can make it fit your personality – that’s why it’s great that we have so many options. Here are some suggestions to help you discover what activities fit your personal fitness personality best. Is variety the spice of life to you? Do you enjoy socialization and group … Continue reading

Five for Fitness: Tuesday, September 5th

Today is Tuesday, September the 5th and here in Texas it has finally cooled off. At least in my part of Texas and since we’ve been under brutal heat and severe water restrictions, the cooling off is literally a breath of fresh air. In just a couple of weeks, we’ll celebrate the Autumn Equinox – the time when the hours of night and the hours of day are equal and then the nights will gradually grow longer, the days even colder and it will be Winter. Do I sound as though I am romanticizing it? Probably. But I do enjoy … Continue reading

Revisiting the Fitness Magazine: You Can Do It Challenge

I signed up for the Fitness Magazine You Can Do It challenge. I’ve been following their advised workout and let me tell you, four days in – I’m sore. I am pretty good at following my own regular fitness regimen, but this one targets specific areas with specific exercises to be performed in specific time frames. Including Regular Stretching The challenge recommends that you warm up and cool down, I’m also going to include a regular session of deep stretching every evening before bed. While I enjoy the workout as described in the challenge – I think that I am … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Mental Preparation Exercises

Here are some exercises in preparing yourself mentally for fitness and exercise. These tips are designed to help you overcome the hurdles of sticking to an exercise program. These three tips are more to do with the psychology of exercise and fitness than actual exercise. Trust me though, when you take these tips to heart and use them to help promote your own fitness and exercise program – they will help improve your personal success. Understand how fitness and exercise benefits you personally Perfection is not the goal, satisfaction is This isn’t a contest, a personal win is quantified only … Continue reading

Transformation Fitness: Get Fit Workout Plan

Looking for a great workout that will not only fit into your schedule, but get you fit on a schedule? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Many of us are looking for a workout that works for us and doesn’t leave us running in place, going no where fast. The following workout combines the idea of cardio and strength training in a circuit. If it sounds similar to the Curves program, then you may be familiar with the resistance and cardio training available at the Curves for Women facilities. These programs are a great way to … Continue reading