Keeping Track of Your Progress

In my last blog I wrote about ways to stay motivated when it comes to fitness. I mentioned one of them being to keep track of your progress. Every step forward, no matter how small, is important. When you can really see the accomplishments, it encourages you to keep it up. Because nothing is more discouraging than to feel like you aren’t making any kind of progress. There are a variety of ways that you can keep track of your progress. One is through a pedometer. This is a great way to learn how many steps you take a day, … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Lifestyle Behaviors – Part 6

We are in the final blog for my series on creating a fitness journal. If you include every component—exercises, what you eat, the amount of sleep you get and your mood—you will learn more about yourself. But to top it off, we are going to look at how lifestyle behaviors play a role. Lifestyle behaviors are something I read and write about frequently. In my other work as a web content writer, I write health blogs for a Social Security disability law firm. So I have quite a bit of experience in the way health is impacted by this. We … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Your Mood – Part 5

Continuing on with my series on creating a fitness journal, we are now going to look at the importance of tracking your mood and improving it. If you are keeping a fitness journal, you should have a section where you note how you are feeling. Your mood can change the course of your day. But there are ways to improve it. However before we get to that, let’s think about why we would want to keep track of it. Understanding your overall health includes how you feel on a daily basis. Are there certain days of the week where your … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Sleep – Part 4

So far we have talked about creating a fitness journal which keeps track of your eating and exercise. Some may leave it at that. You may look as those two areas as being the only important ones when it comes to fitness. But fitness extends beyond that. Overall good fitness can only be had when we take a good look at every area, including our sleep. Sleep is vital. I really don’t get impressed when people tell me how little sleep they get because they are so busy or they have this and that to do. I value my sleep. … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Exercise – Part 3

We are now on part three of my fitness journal series. We have discussed including a meal plan and in this blog we are going to look at the exercise portion of your journal. There are a couple of different ways you can utilize this section. If you would like to know how much physical activity you are actually engaging in, this would be a great opportunity to keep track. This should include not only “formal” exercises but the amount of steps that you are taking per day. You can figure this out by wearing a pedometer. By getting a … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Your Meals – Part 2

Hopefully you have picked up what you need to begin your fitness journal, as we are now going to start putting it together. We are going to start it off with meals. What you eat makes a huge difference in your ability to lose weight and your general health. The funny thing about this is that we can feel pretty sure that we are healthy eaters until we start to write down what we are actually eating. Your fitness journal should include a section where you write down everything you have eaten for the day. This includes the amount of … Continue reading

Creating a Fitness Journal – Part 1

Sometimes we need to see things in black and white. This way we can’t deny the truth, whether it is the amount of exercise we are getting or the types of foods that we are eating. If you really want to be successful in developing and maintaining a fit lifestyle, I strongly suggest putting together a fitness journal. You can make this as simple or as fancy as you like. You can use a spiral notebook, your computer, a binder, whatever works best for you. Before you put together a fitness journal however, we need to think about the key … Continue reading

Ways To Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is something you might want to do for different reasons. Some people want to keep a close watch on how many calories, fat, or carbohydrates they are consuming. Others might want to just see in list form all the food they are eating. Whatever your reason might be, keeping a food journal can be a key tool in your quest to be healthy and fit. Lately I have been keeping a food journal and have reflected on the various ways to keep one. I have tried to do this several times in the past, and it … Continue reading

How Much Do I Eat and When?

Part of a fitness plan is incorporating a healthy diet which includes fruits and vegetables. We know that cutting out sugars and fat should also be part of our eating plan but there is some confusion as to how much to eat and when. Some people stick by the three meals a day plan. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t work for me. First of all, three meals a day might mean eating around 8 a.m., 12 p.m. and then not again until 6 p.m. If you think about it, that’s a lot of time in between to … Continue reading

Day #1 on Body-for-Life

So you’ve decided to give the Body-for-Life program a try. You’re going to dedicate the next twelve weeks to improving your body and your life. Congratulations! As the first official day on the program, today is the day that you’ll want to take care of a few important things: 1. Take some baseline measurements to measure your progress over the next twelve weeks. 2. Set some goals for what you hope to achieve on the program. 3. Get your kitchen stocked and ready to support you, not sabotage you. 4. Familiarize yourself with the blogs, read them and get … Continue reading