Is Birth Control Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals?

If you are using oral birth control, it may be, without you even realizing it. A new study found that oral contraceptive use impairs muscle gains in young women, and is associated with lower hormone levels. That’s a shocking find, especially for active young women, who are looking to improve their fitness performance while taking oral birth control. Researchers at Texas A&M University and the University of Pittsburgh studied 73 healthy women between the ages of 18-31 for 10 weeks. During the study the women were broken up into two groups and completed whole-body resistance exercise training. The first group … Continue reading

Fitness Myths: Setting the Record Straight

Now that we know sit ups won’t melt away body fat and building muscle doesn’t necessarily translate into a speedier metabolism, let’s debunk a few more popular fitness myths: Myth: Lifting Weights Makes You Look Bulky If you are a woman, who is concerned that lifting weights is going to make you look like Popeye, you can stop worrying. According to experts, women can’t develop muscles like men. However, if you are still not convinced, then workout with lighter weights, or complete exercises that use your own bodyweight for resistance. Bottom line: The average woman doesn’t produce enough testosterone to … Continue reading