Confessions of a Fitness Blogger

Some days, I just don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I just don’t know what to sit down and write when I pull up the screen. I have a confession to make, for someone who writes about fitness, enjoys fitness and works out regularly; I’ve been struggling for months to maintain my motivation, stay alert and just stay focused. It’s hard. Tell Me Something I Don’t Know Life is hard. I’ve always known this and I think hard work encourages a person to persevere beyond what they could do normally. That being said, I think that after … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review for Jan 27-Feb 2

We’ve negotiated a smooth segue from January to February. For most of us, January is a month of transition, we’re recovering from the holidays, we’re going back to school, we’re going back to work, we’re getting started on new work out programs and new goals. February is different though. February means the New Year isn’t just arrived, it’s here, we’re in it, we’re down in the shallow end and we’re starting to really wade out into the year. It’s been an interesting week here for me and as I described in a blog I wrote late yesterday, I’m waiting on … Continue reading

Women’s Fitness – Your Heart & Your Health

It’s February, the Valentine month and a month when you should listen to your heart – physically as well as romantically. For most women, the signs of coronary heart disease are not as recognizable as you might think. Despite medical evidence, most women just don’t think a heart attack can happen to them. But every year, 500,000 women or more die from cardiovascular diseases including: Heart Disease Coronary Disease Stroke Did you know that according to the American Heart Association, more women than men have died from cardiovascular disease since 1984? Your Heart is a Muscle Like all other muscles … Continue reading

Fitness Tip: Your Annual Checkup

Tomorrow, I am going to the doctor for an annual check up. I am not looking forward to it. I don’t care for going to the doctor anymore than the next person. From the peeing in a cup to getting a needle stuck in you for a blood sample to the rest of the uncomfortable procedures – it’s an important part of personal maintenance. It’s important to know if there are any physical problems and to keep an eye on things like your cholesterol levels and much more. Age Plays a Factor Too I turn 35 this year. I don’t … Continue reading

I Want to Know How to Keep the Weight Off

I asked and you answered. Today, we’re going to talk about keeping the weight off. In the world of fitness this is called “maintenance” – much like your car – you have to keep up your regular maintenance or you’re going to have problems. Sticking with the car analogy for the moment, let’s say that your car breaks down on the side of the road and you take it to a mechanic. The mechanic looks over the car, runs some diagnostics and fixes you up. Then he tells you that you need to get regular oil changes and tune-ups. Ideally, … Continue reading

My Ordeal – When Things Fall Apart

So I wrote about getting your annual physical a couple of days ago and how I’d scheduled mine and headed in to see the doctor. I arrived at the doctor’s office yesterday morning, filled out my paper work and sat in a chair, reading a book while I waited for them to call me in. Over an hour and a half later, I was leaving the doctor’s office on the way to the hospital for a sonogram. There was something wrong and the doctor wanted a better look at my insides. Needless to Say, I Was Worried The sonogram was … Continue reading