Don’t Just Sit There

We’ve been talking about some alternative exercises you can do when you are standing in line, waiting for your kids or just being idle. Today, we’re going to talk about what you can do – right now – right there in that chair where you are sitting. That’s right, you’re going to be able to do some exercises right now – so are you ready? Please Take Your Seats All set? Sitting comfortably? You can perform this sitting at your desk or sitting on the sofa. Many of the following exercises are what we call isometric exercises. When we say … Continue reading

Household Helpers for People with Arthritis

Arthritis isn’t just joint pain — it is also a loss of joint function. The two together can be incapacitating. Drugs can help the pain, but can’t do much for the loss of function. Assistive devices can help a person with arthritis do everything from bathing and dressing to cooking and cleaning. A reach extender can help you pick up small objects that may be over your head or that you can’t bend over to grab. You can increase your reach by up to thirty inches — that’s two and a half feet. A jar opener — the automatic kind … Continue reading

Easy Meals for People With Arthritis

Arthritis pain can make everything more difficult. Here are some tips to help you eat well despite your aching joints. On your good days, cook extra. If the pain is low and your energy levels are up, it doesn’t take a whole lot more effort to make double the amount of food you’d normally eat. Freeze the extra and pull it out on a bad day. Stock up on frozen entrees. But be careful with what you buy; frozen meals can be very high in sodium and low in fiber. Try to pick meals that have 800 milligrams of sodium … Continue reading

Fitness Tip: Your Annual Checkup

Tomorrow, I am going to the doctor for an annual check up. I am not looking forward to it. I don’t care for going to the doctor anymore than the next person. From the peeing in a cup to getting a needle stuck in you for a blood sample to the rest of the uncomfortable procedures – it’s an important part of personal maintenance. It’s important to know if there are any physical problems and to keep an eye on things like your cholesterol levels and much more. Age Plays a Factor Too I turn 35 this year. I don’t … Continue reading

Understanding Lupus

Lupus got its name from the Latin word “wolf” because some people with lupus will develop a butterfly shaped rash across their nose and cheeks- it was thought that this rash gave them a wolf-like appearance! Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissues (such as joints and muscles) in your body. The immune system is supposed to distinguish normal body cells from those of invaders: in auto-immune diseases the body thinks normal cells ARE the invaders. This means that the normal immunity and defense systems have gone into over-drive and the body attacks its own cells causing tissue … Continue reading

Falls Are a Leading Cause of Death in the Elderly

For men and women over the age of 65, the leading cause of injury-related death is falls. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the death rate attributable to falls in the elderly rose by more than 55% from 1993 through 2003. The problem is, not only have the death rates due to falls grown, they have surpassed the injury rates related to falls. Part of the problem is related to the longevity of modern life. More and more often, we are living to an age when our bodies are frailty can mean a fall is … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review November 18-24

Good morning and Happy Saturday – what a crazy week this has been. For me, it involved taking some much needed down time and time off from the writing. Though you saw blogs from me here, most of these were written ahead of time when I could and others were written on the fly. My daughter and I planned to do a lot together this week, but she came down with a nasty cold at the beginning of the week so we spent a lot of our week snuggled up together and watching movies as we nursed her through her … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Your Hands & Arthritis

Since exercise is an integral part of any natural remedy for arthritis, you should explore the wealth of activities that are available. Hand exercises, for example, are not limited to just strength but also flexibility and range of motion. By stretching and flexing the joints, muscles and overall hand structure, a person affected by arthritis can reduce inflammation through increased circulation and support affected areas by increased muscular strength. Repetitions of range of motion and stretching exercises should be performed a minimum of five times a week or daily if possible. Range of motion exercises are designed to restore or … Continue reading