How Your BMR Can Help You Lose Weight

Most of us know what BMI (body mass index) is and that it measures your height and weight to determine how much body fat you have. But have you heard of BMR (basal metabolic rate)? This is important to understanding how many calories you should be consuming each day. If you take in more calories than you should, you will gain weight. But if you take in fewer calories than you should, it will interfere with the body’s ability to burn fat. It could also lead to dysfunction in your blood pressure, heart rate and ability to digest foods. So … Continue reading

Raise a Mug of Coffee to Your Health

As a coffee lover, I looked for excuses to drink it. However, I never thought that health benefits would become one of those excuses. I have long thought of coffee as a guilty pleasure or that one last thing to give up to attain good health. How could I give up my wake up coffee or my coffee drink to get me through grocery shipping? With so many delicious options from hazelnut to mocha to vanilla lattes, the temptation was far too great! I knew that coffee with be with me forever despite any harm that could come of it. … Continue reading

Keeping Fit Boosts Your Energy

Does it seem like you are always tired? I used to feel that way. I literally battled fatigue for years. I had all kinds of “reasons” for that. It was because I was a new mom. I then had three children. I was homeschooling. I was working. I had teenagers. I was this and I was that. I always had these reasons to validate why I was so tired. I had always heard that exercise would give you more energy but I guess I never really took that seriously. I have never been very overweight. I have always been at … Continue reading

Optimal Metabolism

To help you lose weight you need to rev up your metabolism and give it that extra heave-ho. You have tried to consume fewer calories and exercise more and those are both great things to do and highly essential in the weight loss battle, but you feel like you are missing the mark somehow. As you get older your metabolism slows down, especially around the mid to late 30s mark. Losing weight becomes tougher. To help you in the weight loss adventure there are some great metabolism boosters to keep in mind that will help you to get those pounds … Continue reading

Foods That Can Help Boost Energy

Foods that Can Help Boost Energy There’s a lot of information on those tiny little food labels. It’s very smart to read before you buy! Keeping an eye on calories, fats, fiber, and vitamins can help keep you and your family healthy. Scanning for other specifics on the label can help you find foods that will help your body run more evenly and efficiently. For example, if you’re looking for foods that can give you an energy boost, look for two things: whole grains/fiber and iron. Whole grains help keep your blood sugar levels stable. When glucose levels are stable, … Continue reading

Six More Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

You want to turn your body into a lean, mean fat-burning machine? Great! Here are six more ways to give your metabolism a jump start. Drink plenty of water. Better yet — drink cold water. Research from Germany suggests that the extra work your body does to heat the water to body temperature can give your metabolism a boost. Aim for six cups (forty-eight ounces) of cold water daily. Make sure you get plenty of iron in your diet. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen through your body. Your muscles need oxygen in order to burn fat. So if you … Continue reading

Six Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Want your body to become a more efficient fat-burning machine? Try these tips! Be sure that you are eating enough. Starving yourself will make your body slow your metabolism — not speed it up! For most women, eating around 1400 calories daily will keep your metabolism moving. Less than 1200 calories per day is less than your body needs for basic biological function — so your body will be forced to break down muscle for energy. That’s not a good thing. Make sure you include breakfast in your day. That early morning meal gives you a burst of energy AND … Continue reading

10 Foods You Should Add to Your Diet

The following foods are high in nutritional value and low in calories. If you can incorporate them into your diet you should. Almonds These have heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Recent studies have found that one ounce of almonds every day can reduce LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of heart attack. Almonds are also rich in calcium, protein, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin E. Bell Peppers Bell peppers (red, orange, yellow or green) are loaded with vitamins A and C, vitamin B6 and folate. Red peppers also have lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk … Continue reading

Women’s Fitness: Target Your Hips

The sad part about being a woman is that we carry most of our excess weight on our hips, tummy, thighs and bottom end. Many people think that those are the hardest areas to lose weight off of, but the truth is – anywhere you want to trim excess inches is usually the hardest area. There’s an old saying that the first place you gain weight is the last place you lose it. But today, let’s talk about our hips and trimming excess inches off of them. There are plenty of specific area exercises that you can do to target … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review May 6 – May 12

Wow, halfway through May and the summer fitness season is ramping up. We’re going to spend a lot of time over the next few weeks discussing summer fitness including biking, swimming, outdoor sports and much, much more. My daughter is interested in checking out soccer this summer along with her swimming, jazz dancing and gymnastics – what do you and your family have in the way of summer plans? I’d love to hear about it. Sunday, May 6 It can be difficult to get started on a new fitness plan when you are trying to balance a dozen other responsibilities … Continue reading