My Perfect Water Bottle

I am an advocate for drinking water and lots of it! Whether it is for your workout or just regular day routine, you need to be hydrating. I also try to be green and tend to steer away from using individual, non-reusable bottles. I am always trying to drink 8 glasses a day which would be about 8 individual bottles! Instead I have decided to fill up a reusable water bottle for my daily activities and workouts. Finding a perfect water bottle has been a long, grueling process. I find one that looks alright, buy it because how else can … Continue reading

Gaining Weight Due to Water Retention

So today I am writing about water retention. It has become a recent issue for me since I decided to start drinking more water. On average, I probably drink about 8 oz. of water a day. I might have sips here and there throughout the day but I’m not a big drinker of any liquid. I don’t drink soda but on most days I do have one glass of iced tea. In other words, I’m probably dehydrated to some extent and don’t even realize it. So one day I started drinking eight, 8 oz. glasses of water. It was much … Continue reading

Good Reasons to Drink Plenty of Water

There are some very good reasons to drink plenty of water. Not only is it important to do while you are exercising but it should become a regular part of your daily intake. First of all, if you are exercising you usually sweat. When your body sweats it begins to lose fluid and since our bodies are mostly made up of water, you can become dehydrated. You will lose the effectiveness of your workout if you are dehydrated because your body loses energy. Of course dehydration can also become dangerous. If you don’t replenish your body with water it could … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review Jan 13-19

What a week – a very long week here. I’m writing these weeks in review ahead of time to give myself some down time this weekend so – if you haven’t had some down time recently and find yourself in the need of it – create the time. We all need that down time here and there and I said goodbye to two old friends this week and I am not afraid to admit – that emotionally, I’m tired. So without further ado – here is a quick cool down of our week in fitness. Saturday, January 13 Great Myths: … Continue reading

Yoga and My Daughter

A couple of months ago I added yoga to my weekly workout routine in an effort to ease the strain from my typical high intensity cardio workouts and to help my husband strengthen his core since he refused to do anything but yoga.  Aside from the obvious struggles of exercise i.e. motivation, commitment, follow through, balance, endurance etc., there is the added difficulty of exercising with young children who basically demand mommy’s attention twenty four seven.  My three year old son has gotten really good about playing and getting a snack or drink of water for himself while I exercise … Continue reading

Enjoying a Guilt-Free Thanksgiving

Is it possible to enjoy Thanksgiving and not feel guilty? After all, you may have lost a few pounds or have been doing great on your diet. Does that mean you have to forego all those wonderful dishes, possibly offending Aunt Patty? I plan on enjoying my Thanksgiving meal and not feeling guilty about it afterwards. You can do the same. First, I read somewhere that the average Thanksgiving meal is about 3,500 calories. Yes, that is a lot of calories but that is 3,500 calories for one meal. It would be different if you were eating that many calories … Continue reading

A Simple Concept about Food

I have never been shy about sharing my struggles with food. I have an established workout routine, which I do fall away from every once-in-a-while but for the most part, I remain consistent. What gets me every time, however, is food. There are just too many things that I enjoy eating, despite the fact they aren’t good for me. So what happens is either I sabotage my efforts or I stay the same (the exercise only keeps me from gaining weight but it doesn’t result in weight loss). So lately I have been on a mission to change this. I’m … Continue reading

5 Tips for Your Morning Workout

Most fitness enthusiasts would agree that working out in the morning is the best. This is for several reasons. One is that if you put it off for later in the day, you are less likely to do it. Things are bound to come up or your motivation may falter. Another reason its best to exercise in the morning is that you will burn more calories because your metabolism will be raised. You will also have more energy and feel better prepared for the day ahead. While working out in the morning might be best, you should still be aware … Continue reading

Tennis is a Great Summer Sport

Tennis is a great sport to learn. It is a good cardio activity and fun to play with a buddy. It is pretty easy to get equipped for playing tennis. Other than a court to play on, all you really need is a racket and balls. Tennis Gear If you are new to tennis you are probably wondering how to get your gear. One place to find gear such as rackets and balls is from a second-hand sports shop. If you want to buy new, you can look into sport stores like Big 5, Sports Authority, etc. You can even … Continue reading

Low-Calorie Potato Chips Contribute to Weight Gain

I’m not a big potato chip eater but for those who are, you might think that going the low-calorie way is better. After all, you get to enjoy the salty crunch of a chip yet you aren’t taking in as many calories. Well according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association (I am still trying to figure that one out…what do they have to do with this?), low-calorie chips could actually be contributing to weight gain. That’s because these low-calorie chips contain fat substitutes. It is believed that these can confuse the body’s regulation of food intake, … Continue reading