How Exercise Can Help Chocoholics

If you are desperately trying to overcome your addiction to chocolate this blog might come in quite handy. According to British researchers, chocoholics can reduce their cravings by taking a simple 15-minute stroll. The results of this new study are making headlines around the world (which just goes to prove how powerful the lure of chocolate really is). In a recent news conference scientists announced that for the first-time ever research shows a link between exercise and managing food cravings. The study followed 25 self-professed “chocoholics” (defined as people who ate chocolate on a daily basis). Each chocoholic was told … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review: November 11-17, 2008

We are 10 days away from the holiday gluttons most adore—-Thanksgiving. If you plan to pig out on Turkey Day, you might consider perusing the following FITNESS blogs. Whether you choose to burn off holiday calories by taking an extra long run or you want to learn how to curb your addiction to chocolate we’ve got you covered: November 11th—–Running: It’s All About the Shoes. Before you set out to shed pounds via running it is imperative that you purchase the right shoes. This blog provides helpful tips on what you should look for in proper-fitting running shoe. November 12th—–Running: … Continue reading