The Fitness Blog Week in Review: June 30 – July 6

One week into July and in some parts of the country, the temperatures are scorchers and down here in Texas, we’re breaking rainfall records and wondering what happened to our sun. The United States celebrated its birthday and in Great Britain two young princes celebrate the memory of their mother on her birthday. It’s been a busy week and let’s explore what we talked about in the Fitness blog this week: Saturday, June 30 Our End of June Fitness Goal Check went down our checklist of fitness goals. The point of these fitness goal checks is to check out how … Continue reading

Hump Day Hesitations & The 4th of July

Let me preface this by saying Happy 4th of July to all our American readers and visitors. For everyone else, good morning. Wednesdays are a particularly tough day for a fitness program, why? Because Wednesdays are a particularly tough day for anything. It’s hump day. It’s the middle of the week and that means you are either still caught up in the doldrums of the Monday lag or your eye is firmly on Friday and you don’t want to think about today. Keep Your Fitness Thoughts on Today You need to practice focusing on your day to day work and … Continue reading