Exercise Each Days Keeps Illness Away

In my blogs, I talk a lot about the long-term health benefits to a fit lifestyle. I emphasize how fitness is about more than just losing weight; it is about preventing serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Well last week I read an article about immediate health benefits you can reap as a result of exercising. It was found that it could reduce the number of days you miss work because of respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. Are you one of those people that always seem to catch a cold? Do you find that you … Continue reading

Why People Gain Weight After Stopping Atkins

After being on the Atkins diet for most of the Summer, I am at the point where I am seriously considering quitting it. One cannot stay on a diet forever. The problem is that I have heard that people tend to gain their weight right back after quitting the Atkins diet. Why does that happen? Dieting is not easy. It requires people to dramatically change their eating habits. Most people resist change, even if they know that it will benefit them. Dieting forces people to think about each and every food that they are considering eating, which can be quite … Continue reading

Keep Toddlers In Rear-Facing Carseats

The news came out today that the official recommendations for child safety seat use were updated. The news wasn’t news to me, however. I had been telling people about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for years. The child safety seat law is that children must remain rear facing to one year old and twenty pounds. The AAP recommends that children remain rear facing to the weight/height limit of the seat or at least until age two. We all know how soft a baby’s skull is. Baby’s skull has an official soft spot on top too. I don’t know that … Continue reading

When the “Want” Isn’t There

In my last blog I talked about the “start again” routine that so many of us battle. We will start again on Monday, after the next holiday and the list of excuses goes on. When you get serious about fitness there is no “start again” thinking going on. Now is the time. But I also talked about how you have to want to get in shape, lose weight, eat healthier or whatever else you have purposed to change. Yet the truth is that many of us don’t. I mean, sure, on a surface level we want to but if we … Continue reading

Weight Loss and an Injured Knee

Recently I was in a minor car accident. The only injury I sustained happened when my knee hit the dashboard upon impact. I had hoped this injury would be healed quickly. However, the knee is a complex part of the body and one we use quite often. Being told that I had to stay put with my knee elevated sounded like a mini vacation and an excuse to be sedentary for a short while. That shore while has turned into three weeks and counting. Some knee injuries heal in 4 weeks but it can take up to 12 months for … Continue reading

New Weight Loss Blogger Hopes to Change Her Odds

One in eight women will get breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. That is a scary statistic in and of itself. Now imagine that your mother was diagnosed at 48, and shortly after, died of breast cancer and that both of your grandmothers contracted and died from breast cancer. That’s my reality. As a result, I have become passionate about what is going into my body and maintaining optimal health. While only a limited number of breast cancers are hereditary, I still want to do everything I can to avoid the same fate, and … Continue reading

Eat Cookies and Lose Weight

There are so many diets out there or diet products that have you eat only one type of thing to loose weight. For example, if you eat specially formulated shakes, bars or cookies, you’ll lose weight. Is this true? Well probably. But, that doesn’t mean that you will be fitter, healthier or actually keep the weight off. Back about 10 years ago, I inadvertently lost weight by eating mostly junk food. I was working practically around the clock on a big project and didn’t have time for regular meals. I made sure that I got some workouts in, but honestly … Continue reading

Keeping Your Mind Busy While You Workout

I love to workout, but I get so bored sometimes while I am working out. Sometimes it feels like I will never be finished with my routine. What can I do to make the time go faster? It is never a good idea to rush through your fitness routine. You are not doing your body any good when you rush. In fact, if you rush you will not receive the full benefit from your workout. You also increase your chances for injury when you are in a hurry. What you really need is some distraction. Now, you do not want … Continue reading

Health Benefits for Weight Loss and Fitness

I have recently gotten a new health plan. This prompted further investigation on my part as to any entitlement in additional health discounts on my new plan. I was happy to find that there were several discounts available for my use just by showing the company my new health plan identification card. Probably the best benefit that I found was for Bally’s. However, there were benefits for Jenny Craig, Jazzercise, Weight Watcher’s and more. I do not know if I will make any use of them, but it is nice to know that they are there just in case I … Continue reading

My Forced Weight Loss Journey – How It Started

I used the word “forced” in the title when I guess no one can be truly “forced” to lose weight. But, let me tell you a bit about my history and why I felt this was forced. When I was younger, I was very active, but like many of us, I became more and more sedentary as the years went on. I married for the first (and only!) time at 36 and right before I turned 40, I realized if we were going to have any children, we had better get started! I was very lucky in that we got … Continue reading