Fitness Journal – Exercise – Part 3

We are now on part three of my fitness journal series. We have discussed including a meal plan and in this blog we are going to look at the exercise portion of your journal. There are a couple of different ways you can utilize this section. If you would like to know how much physical activity you are actually engaging in, this would be a great opportunity to keep track. This should include not only “formal” exercises but the amount of steps that you are taking per day. You can figure this out by wearing a pedometer. By getting a … Continue reading

Online Streaming of Fitness Classes

Today in my neck of the woods (Wisconsin), I am feeling pretty grateful for unseasonably warmer weather. Yesterday we hit as high as the mid 50’s and today we are in the 40’s. It is quite a contrast from a year ago when we were digging ourselves out after receiving more than two feet of snow. Winter can be a difficult time to exercise. It becomes especially challenging when the clouds are grey, the temperatures are frigid or there is a ton of snow. Who wants to go out in that? Maybe it’s not even the weather. Maybe you are … Continue reading

Review of “NewYu Fitness Monitor”

I was recently sent a “NewYu Fitness Monitor,” valued at $99, to review. To be honest, it has been difficult to get full use of this monitor because of some health issues. But I have used it enough to understand it’s good and bad. First, let me explain how it works. It looks much like a pedometer and although it works like one, it goes a little further. Pedometers track the number of steps you take. This monitor can track all physical activity, so if you are doing vigorous housework or biking, this gets included into your daily activity level. … Continue reading

Striiv Brings Gaming and Fitness Together

There is a new device that is said to take what Wii Fit does in your home, and turn into something motivating and useful when you are outside the home. It is called Striiv, a portable device that can measure your movements and provide you with rewards based on your level of activity. The cost will be $99. Similar to a pedometer, it can track your steps. But you can also set goals and play games with friends. It is taking the world of gaming (including social gaming) to a whole different level. The hope is to reach those who … Continue reading

IBX Healthy Steps Pedometer Smart Phone App

Do you have a pedometer? This is one electronic device that I recommend everyone have. You can easily keep track of how many steps you take in a day. And that is very beneficial to your health. The recommended number of steps that we should be taking each day is 10,000. When you have a device that measures this, it motivates you to set goals. And you have a greater likelihood of walking more when you have a pedometer. Taking 10,000 steps a day can increase your energy, promote weight loss and just make you feel better all around. And … Continue reading