Getting Out of a Fitness Slump

Are you in a fitness slump? Anyone who has been exercising for any amount of time tends to hit these at some point or another. Coming out of a long winter for some, you may have been feeling the monotony of working out at the gym, running on your treadmill and using the stationary bike. But with warmer weather comes the chance to get out of the same-old, same-old and try something new. Being stuck indoors can put anyone in a fitness slump. There is just something about fresh air that gets the blood coursing. Get outside and walk or … Continue reading

Falling into a Slump?

Fall is here and for many that means sinus and allergy season is in full swing. Sinus pressure sets in and your head pounds. Taking allergy medicine only makes you want to sleep. Soon a little sinus trouble turns into a sinus infection. All the pressure and misery makes you feel like sleeping or just sitting and waiting for your allergy medicine to kick in. Once it does you may feel like sleeping the day away. Soon you realize you missed a day of working out. One day leads to two days and two days leads to three and so … Continue reading

Community College Workout Classes

If you’ve read some of my blogs, you will notice that I am a big fan of taking workout classes at community colleges. While my spinning (indoor cycling) class comes to an end tomorrow, I was thinking about how I really enjoy taking classes at my community college. Price If an organized class is your thing, then your best options when on a budget are community and college classes. My local college was $50 for one class spring quarter. With quarter being twelve weeks and the class was twice a week, making each class just a few dollars. What is … Continue reading

In a Workout Slump?

I know from experience that sometimes it is hard to stay motivated to exercise. I have gotten in slumps before that have lasted longer than I would like to admit! I have come up with some ideas to try to help you stay motivated and get moving. These ideas have helped me get out of a slump, and hopefully they can help you too! Workout Shoes Keep your workout shoes in sight! This may seem odd but there is some truth in the saying- out of sight, out of mind. I have noticed that when my workout shoes are tossed … Continue reading

Weight Loss Slump? Five Tips to Motivate You

When you’re a parent, life can be hectic. Doctor’s visits, sports practices, PTA, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning…we spend lots of time in the car, standing in lines, and waiting. With so much going on, the last thing we might think of is exercise. Those necessary errands provide us with an excuse not to take care of our bodies when that is the very thing that we need to do. We tell ourselves, “I’ll get to that later.” However, we rarely do because the unexpected happens. When I get in a slump, I don’t want to do anything because I don’t … Continue reading

Losing the Pregnancy Weight Part IV

Exercising is always a challenge but it seems to be more difficult during the post partum period of a woman’s life. There are so many things to which we as new mother’s are adjusting. It is not an easy transition even if the motivation is there. I began preparing myself for the post partum phase from the very beginning of my pregnancy. I knew that regular exercise and a healthy holistic diet through out my pregnancy would prepare me for the post partum fitness transition. It was my goal to bounce back as quickly as possible. Once my daughter was … Continue reading

Tools for Success

I have never successfully lost weight from any diet program. Why? Because I have never been a part of a diet program before. I never followed any crazy diet, fad diet, or new and improved diet on the market. I never took diet pills, diet supplements or diet drinks. I have tried a thermogenic before to increase my metabolism. I still have no idea if it ever worked or not. I never purchased expensive meal plans. I never hired a personal trainer. Yet, I have successfully lost weight in my life. After having my second baby I lost all my … Continue reading

Mid-year Goals

I am in total shock that it is already August. Where did this year go? In a couple months the fall and winter holidays begin and before we know it, it will be 2012! Pondering this on a drive home from my camping trip last week, I decided to make some mid-year goals to help me get back on track. Earlier in the summer when my teaching job ended, I got back into major workout mode with spinning class, hiking 2-3 times a week, elliptical at least twice a week, etc. However, with some stress and other factors that creeped … Continue reading

Exercise and the Single Mother

It’s amazing the toll that pregnancy can take on our bodies. Before I had my son I could eat anything I wanted and it never showed. I could eat ice cream all day every day if I wanted and no one would know the difference. After my son was born reality set in. My metabolism just wasn’t what it used to be, my body would never be the same again. I didn’t have a lot of trouble with the initial baby weight coming off, but no matter what I did my body just didn’t look the same anymore. Pregnancy had … Continue reading

Had a Great Bike Ride Today

Today I went on about a fifteen mile bike ride with a new friend. We did a trail that starts about half a mile from my house and rode for about an hour and a half. As we were biking along the trail, I realized how enjoyable biking is and what I like about it. One reason I like biking is because getting into biking won’t break the bank. I also like how you can use biking for exercise, leisure, errands or getting to work. There are lots of things you can do when you have a bike, even if … Continue reading