Do Fitness Apps Work?

Technology is amazing. I am always surprised at the innovative ways technology changes our world. Perhaps I am alone in this but I only recently discovered that there are Fitness Apps available for your iPod or iPhone. So now I am left to wonder if fitness apps really work. My husband and I are eagerly waiting for December, when we can upgrade our phones. We have been checking out the Droids and all the features they offer. I was so happy when I recently discovered that fitness apps exist. Apparently there is an app for everything. I tend to get … Continue reading

Is Reality Fitness a Joke?

Are you for real? One of the stars of an apparently “hit” reality show “Jersey Shore” is set to make a whole lot of money thanks to a fitness DVD. This brings up a stirring question, is reality fitness a joke? I have never personally watched “Jersey Shore.” In fact, the only reason I know anything about it is because I am a fan of “The View” and on one of their segments they had some of the stars of “Jersey Shore.” Now forgive me if you are a fan of this show but I really thought these people were … Continue reading

Heidi Montag Claims 14 Hour a Day Workout

Looking for a way to slim down? Why don’t you try the Heidi Montag fitness plan? All you have to do is workout for 14 hours a day for 2 months. Sounds great, right? Let me first explain who Heidi Montag is, in case you don’t know. She starred in an MTV reality show that ran from 2006 until 2010, “The Hills.” The only reason I know of her is because she was also in a show I watched back in 2009, “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” Let’s just say she left a bad taste in my mouth…since … Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Endorsing Skechers Shape-Up Shoes

I have always been apprehensive about Skechers Shape-Up shoes and would really love to hear from those who have actually used them. Do they work? Do they really help you get toned? Well apparently Kim Kardashian thinks so as she has just signed onto a seven figure deal with the shoe company. Set to begin in 2011, it is called the “Shaping Up with the Kardashians’ Challenge” and will include not only Kim Kardashian but her mom as well. It is apparently a competition-type challenge where Kim and her mom will workout using the Skechers Shape-Up athletic shoes. So be … Continue reading

Women’s Athletica: A Great New Online Resource for Women

Always on the lookout for helpful fitness resources, I just recently read about something new online. It is Women’s Athletica and is something definitely worth checking out. Women’s Athletica is a health, fitness and lifestyle blog and ezine. It covers virtually every topic related to women. Here is an idea of some of the topics available: fitness, nutrition, weight loss, yoga, running, health, emotional health, anti-aging and sports. It is then broken down into more specific categories that again, are all related to women’s issues such as sex and sexuality, fashion and injuries. It has so much information that I … Continue reading

National Campaigns to Fight Childhood Obesity

It all started with Michelle Obama. Her “Let’s Move” campaign kicked off earlier this year with the hope of helping to stop childhood obesity. Now the effort is expanding to include some famous stars that many kids look up to. Last Saturday was the “Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day” which announced its fitness campaign for kids. Some of the stars that came out and hope to be a positive influence in the importance of a fit lifestyle included: Jonas Brothers, Tony Hawk, Demi Lovato and former American Idol contestant David Archuleta. In addition there other top sports figures like Roger Federer, … Continue reading

Journal Your Way to Fit Living

You will hear me say this often, that fitness is a lifestyle. I really do believe that fitness is about more than just exercising to tone up or lose weight. I believe fitness should encompass every aspect of our lives. Fitness is about fit living. Fit living is more than just squeezing in some exercise. It is about keeping our minds fit, eating healthy and yes, even getting enough rest. It is about living a balanced lifestyle. I am a really strong advocate for journals. I have kept many different types of journals over the years. What I find beneficial … Continue reading

Looking for a Treadmill this Christmas?

If so, then you know it’s not as easy as banging out a letter to Santa and waking up to a PaceMaster Platinum Pro VR under the Christmas tree. Unless you are getting the exact replica of the treadmill you run on at the gym everyday, then you really need to do your homework. Treadmills come in a variety of sizes and feature a wide range of price tags. In a previous blog I listed some of Consumer Reports top picks for fold-up treadmills. If you have the space to accommodate a traditional nonfolding treadmill, fitness experts recommend you consider … Continue reading

“That’s Not Hot”

Apparently, imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery… at least not to Paris Hilton. The millionairess has just filed a lawsuit against Hallmark Cards over the use of her picture and catchphrase “That’s hot.” The card company reportedly designed a greeting card with a title that reads: “Paris’s First Day as a Waitress.” Underneath the line is a photo of Hilton’s face sitting on a cartoon version of a waitress serving a plate of food to a diner. A bubble coming out of the hotel heiress’ mouth reads, “Don’t touch that, it’s hot.” The customer cartoon asks, “What’s hot?” … Continue reading

What to do With Small Chunks of Alone Time

My last blog had some ways to get alone time, now that you have that time available, what are you supposed to do? Well, what you actually do is all dependent on your likes and dislikes, as well as exactly how much time you have. The number one thing you must do is take that time for yourself. I know it’s hard when you have that extra 15 minutes NOT to do an extra chore around the house, or get a jump on some work you need done, but you must resist that urge. You made this time for you … Continue reading