Not Feeling Very Neighborly

It’s been so nice lately that I want to work in my yard and neglect the inside of my house. The outside of our homes says just as much about us as the inside but right now, I’m struggling with it. I have one of “those” neighbors, trash fills their yard, cars and car parts litter the driveway and front yard. Half built shacks lean against the house and the weeds have completely taken over the yard. It makes it hard to stay motivated to keep my yard nice when the weed seeds are causing weeds to sprout everywhere, no … Continue reading

Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

Tonight while working on my scrapbooking, I pulled out a picture that instantly brought tears to my eyes, and terror to my heart. Twelve years ago, my mother had to place her husband in a care facility. He had been in a car accident, sustained dementia, and had become abusive to the point of holding a gun on her and threatening her life. After she placed him, she asked me and my little family to come live with her. I moved in, bringing my husband, my little daughter, and my very pregnant belly. Her husband figured out a way to … Continue reading

He’s Got Her Wrapped Around His Little Finger!

Chase has been dating Amy, a 28 year old single mother, for over a year. Things are getting serious; they’ve even been batting around the “M” word. She is attractive, kind, funny, considerate, and they both love to fish and camp. In a nutshell, she’s everything he’s been looking for in a life partner…except for one little thing… a twenty-eight pound, 3 year old little thing, named Marcus. “Now don’t get me wrong, he’s really cute and everything” admits Chase, “but she jumps every time he cries! And I mean every time! He has totally got her wrapped around his … Continue reading

Household Plants Poisonous to Pets

With autumn upon us and the holidays soon to follow, many households have begun seasonal decorating. A lot of that decorating involves various sorts of plants, and with that come many pet owners’ concerns over whether those plants are poisonous to their furry family members. The ASPCA has a helpful list of commonly kept plants that will hurt your pet and one that actually gets a bad reputation. The site names poinsettia as one of the most misunderstood plants, revealing that about 70% of the population believe that it is poisonous to their pets when in fact it isn’t really. … Continue reading

Spring Has Sprung

In many places, spring is on its way, if it’s not already here. Spring is a beautiful time to head outside to take photos of all the miraculous things that are happening. Perhaps there are baby ducks in your local park or spring bulbs starting to bloom. Trees may be beginning to bud and the dirt is a deep brown. At my house, the bulbs are peeking out of the ground, but not yet blooming. I am amazed at all the tiny beautiful things just waiting to be photographed. So let’s get moving! Since so many of the wondrous things … Continue reading

Book Review: Orientals: Asian Americans in Popular Culture

My last blog wondered about the impact of anti-immigrant feelings, worsened by economic conditions, on international adoptees and their families. In that blog, I quoted from the book Orientals: Asian Americans in Popular Culture. This blog will be a further review of that book. The first thing I should note is, as I said last time, that the word “Orientals” is deliberately used by the author to demonstrate negative stereotypes of Asians as too irreconcilably different by nature to ever fit into American society. Do not use the word “oriental” when referring to people today. Use Asian-American if you need … Continue reading

The Beauty of Walking in the Morning

Have you ever gone for a walk just as the morning birds are beginning their song and the sun is but a promise on the horizon? Depending on where you live, this may not be the ideal scenario for you, but for some, a walk first thing in the morning is just what the doctor ordered. We spend so much time rushing around, there’s laundry, dishes, meal planning, kids, cleaning, animals, work and a dozen other things vying for our attention from the moment we start our day to the moment we go to bed at night. Typically, by night … Continue reading

Ways to Save on Summer Vacation—-Don’t Get the Massage

For the past several weeks I have been providing tips on how you can preserve your family’s summer vacation plans despite astronomical airfares and record high gas prices. The following tidbits are aimed at helping you save on the road as well, though one is a bit more tongue-in-cheek than the other. These days talk of a recession is on the minds and lips of practically every financial expert paraded on cable news shows; however there are some people in the world who don’t have to worry about pinching pennies during these tough economic times. And no doubt some of … Continue reading

Celebrating Arbor Day in Asheville

If you are looking to go “green” this spring consider a trip to Asheville, North Carolina. The Blue Ridge beauty features majestic mountains that cut into the horizon and you can see them from all angles by taking one of a number of scenic drives that run through the region. Most travelers take in Asheville’s cool, clean mountain air from the Blue Ridge Parkway. The 469-mile recreational road connects Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks and offers visitors a reprieve from commercialism. The road is dotted with charming vintage farmhouses, tunnels carved into majestic mountains and steep climbs that … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 1-6, 2008 with a Few Extras

I don’t know what it was like for you in your neck of the woods this past weekend, but our area was absolutely beautiful and was the closest resemblance to Spring that we’ve had since last year. We got some flowers planted, grass seed poured and enjoyed the outdoors as much as we could. Days like those are hard to find to scrapbook, because you want to enjoy the weather, but you can always do it at night or early in the morning. Remember to make time for it, while still enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is what has been … Continue reading