Too Cheap to Pay for a Sitter

Or too dumb. The suburban Pittsburgh dad, who’s making headlines for leaving his young kids alone at a playground while he ran errands, falls into that category–in my less than humble opinion. Listen, I don’t look kindly on people who leave their dogs alone in parked cars, so when innocent children are ditched by their parents, be it in a vehicle or at a playground, I typically have a hard time holding my tongue… or in this case, my fingers. If you missed the news flash, Govindaraj Narayanasamy has been officially charged with child endangerment after police claim he left … Continue reading

Substitute Teacher’s Corner: What’s This All About?

Hello there! My name is Heather Long and I’m the managing editor here at, you may be more familiar with my name showing up in fitness and marriage, but Karri’s graciously allowed me to come and play over here in Education. First and foremost, let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a substitute teacher for the school district we live in. Primarily I work with the elementary schools, but I’m sure sooner or later I’ll make the kick up to the higher grades. Currently, I just like the little ones better (it helps that my own is … Continue reading

Dear Heather … A Question

A reader asked the following question on my blog Coach Mom: Making Up Your Game Plan and I thought I’d put it up front so I could answer it. The question is from member Tckteacher: A question rather than a comment. Our days of homeschooling our own children are long over, but I now find myself in a position of schooling a 3rd grade child overseas in a situation where there few available resources and no community sports activities for her to join other than dance – which she is involved in. I am trying as her teacher to … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review March 30th – April 7th

Our Fitness Blog Week in Review is back and we’re sorry for our absence. I hope you’ll join us again this Saturday as we take a look back at the previous week and catch you up on the stories and articles you may have missed. Friday March 30th What is it about Sports that Brings Out the Worst in Parents? I don’t know the answer to this, but I do address some of the issues we’re seeing constantly in the news with regard to sports and parental involvement specifically discussing the Ukrainian father who beat his daughter in front of … Continue reading

Kid Fitness: Play Now; Pay Later

I told my daughter not to do something the other day and another mother suggested that I was being too protective. I considered her comment for a long moment and then said, “Maybe so, but no matter how flexible she is now and how quick she is to bounce back from hurting herself – if she doesn’t do something right and learn how to do it the right way now – long term stress injuries are going to plague her later.” Maybe it’s because I write about fitness for a living or maybe it’s because I have my own host … Continue reading

Understanding Lupus

Lupus got its name from the Latin word “wolf” because some people with lupus will develop a butterfly shaped rash across their nose and cheeks- it was thought that this rash gave them a wolf-like appearance! Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects connective tissues (such as joints and muscles) in your body. The immune system is supposed to distinguish normal body cells from those of invaders: in auto-immune diseases the body thinks normal cells ARE the invaders. This means that the normal immunity and defense systems have gone into over-drive and the body attacks its own cells causing tissue … Continue reading