Money Can Make You a Mommy

They say money can’t buy happiness, but evidently it can buy you motherhood. Shortly after Libby blogged about Celine Dion’s latest pregnancy announcement, I commented about the mega-singing star’s sixth try at conceiving a child. Dion and her husband, Rene Angelil have a 9-year-old son who was conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, the couple wanted to add to their family, so for the past year, Dion has undergone a series of IVF attempts. According to the songstress, the sixth time was the charm. After an arduous journey and multiple failed attempts, Dion is now pregnant with twins, and … Continue reading

Ten Ways To Celebrate National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Sign the Declaration of Independence from a Weight Obsessed World from the National Eating Disorders Association. Free yourself from the three Ds: Dieting, Drive for Thinness, and Dissatisfaction with your Body. Avoid making comments about body size or shape — for yourself and for other people! A person’s value is not determined by size or shape. Donate clothes that no longer fit comfortably to a local charity. Donate jeans that don’t fit comfortably to the Great Jeans Giveaway. Someone else will appreciate the gift of clothes, and you won’t have to feel bad about clothes that don’t fit. Start every … Continue reading

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. There are lots of ways you can get involved for the twentieth year of NEDAW! Be comfortable in your genes. Wear jeans that fit the REAL you. That’s the slogan for the Great Jeans Giveaway, an annual part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Struggling against your natural (and genetically influenced) body size and shape can lead to unhealthy eating, poor body image, and sometimes serious eating disorders. NEDAW encourages you to donate old or new jeans that don’t comfortably fit and stick to the jeans that fit and make you feel … Continue reading

Tuesday’s Top Ten: A Few of My Favorite Exercises

I enjoy writing about fitness. I enjoy working out. I enjoy learning about fitness. Once upon a time, I was one of those people that bought every fitness fad product that came down the line. I bought books by the tonnage (but I think that has more to do with the fact that I love books) and I bought lots of tools from hand weights to stability balls to resistance bands. What makes it neat is I use pretty much every one of these pieces. Still there are some exercises and exercise routines that I love above all others and … Continue reading

Ladies, Do You Hate Your Body?

I have a confession to make – I am not particularly fond of my body. It’s not the exact shape I’d like it to be. It doesn’t look like all those size 4 actresses on television and I’m not as tall as I’d like to be. One of my eyes squints funny when I smile and my teeth are not all straight. As a youngster, my parents invested in eyeglasses and eye surgery rather than dental work. So like many women, I fall into the category of hating my body because I was not taught to love it and I … Continue reading