Free Range Parenting – Letting Kids Roam Free

There’s a parenting style in the news that has gotten some attention lately. Its called free range parenting. The basic concept is that children should be allowed to roam free while they are unattended by their parents (or other adults). This parenting style was common in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Today, it appears to be causing some controversy. Parents Alexander and Danielle Meitiv are practicing free range parenting. It is pretty much the opposite of helicopter parenting. A helicopter parent wants to hover over their children and step in at the first signs of a problem. A free range parent, … Continue reading

Walking to Africa

For the last couple of weeks Logan and I have been walking to Africa each day. Ok, we’re not really walking to Africa. He thinks the block behind our house is Africa and I haven’t had the heart to tell him otherwise. It is only about a ten minute walk, unless he “rides his horse,” which tends to speed the trip up a bit, but these walks have been such a great experience for both of us. Not only does it give us a little bit of exercise, especially when we ride our horses there, but it also gives me … Continue reading

Don’t Let The Media Parent Your Children

Sometimes I let Hailey watch too much TV. It’s an easy habit to fall into, especially when you are a single parent and there are so many things to do. You plop your child in front of the television, just for a few minutes so you can get something done and a habit is started. All the media in our children s lives is like another influence in the house. Our children are bombarded with messages and even if we are diligent about what they watch they may still see things that go against our values. Many shows that you … Continue reading

Movie Review: “Walking on Water”

When popular surfer Ryan Jennings was a young teenager, his parents divorced, leaving him confused and full of questions about his life. One of his mentors, also a surfer, took him on an amazing trip to some of the most challenging surf spots and taught him valuable lessons, not only about the sport, but about himself. As an adult, Ryan wanted to pay it forward and do the same for two young surfers. He found the two boys he wanted to take by watching their performance on the water. Tyler was a fourteen-year-old with a shock of yellow curls. His … Continue reading

Why I’m Blogging My Health

I’ve talked about “liveblogging” your health: writing openly and publicly about your health issues as they happen (or as close to “live” as possible). A writer friend of mine blogs his experiences with cancer — the good, the bad, and the ugly, no holds barred. Former Pets Blogger Courtney Mroch wrote very openly about her experiences with her cancerous “hitchhiker”. One advantage of liveblogging a health issue — or other important goings on in your life — is that lots of people can get the news quickly and easily. They can stay up to day with your progress without you … Continue reading

Ask a Health Blogger: Weak Leg

I was out walking yesterday, and my leg started to feel weird. Kind of achy, kind of weak, kind of tingly. It continued to bother me for the rest of the day. Whether standing or sitting, I still had that weird pain and numbness. What do you think this is? Should I call my doctor? Thanks for your question! I’m not a doctor, so please don’t take my word as law. But I did run your symptoms through the WebMD online symptom checker and one of the possibilities it came up with was a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve is … Continue reading

Let Me Call You Sweetheart – Mary Higgins Clark

Kerry McGrath is a divorced prosecutor with a ten-year-old daughter, Robin. One night while out with her father, Robin is involved in a car accident which showers glass all over her face. The hospital staff calls in Dr. Charles Smith, a renowned plastic surgeon, and he works his miracles on Robin’s face. She still has some red lines, but the doctor assures Kerry that the marks will go away in time. When Kerry takes Robin in for a check-up, she sees a woman leaving the office who looks strangely familiar to her. She wracks her brain, but can’t come up … Continue reading

The Art of the Letter

I’ve always been a big proponent of letter writing at home. There is nothing like getting a letter from a good friend in the mail, full of the happenings from someone far away. The anticipation of walking up the driveway to the mailbox is something special. Although it is now easier to keep in touch than it was back before the Internet, it is also harder, too. In a few minutes, I can send my thoughts across the miles to a good friend, and she can reply right back. But, something is lost there. In general, the missives are short … Continue reading

Are You Letting Secrets Slip While Talking on Your Cell Phone?

I was wandering down the aisle at the grocery store the other evening and I came upon someone having an intense business conversation on her cell phone. She was discussing all sorts of particulars—including names, financial amounts, and other details. I realized that while cell phones are handy and have changed the way we work—we still should be cautious of what we talk about and where… Maybe you think that no one will know what you are talking about and to whom, or maybe a person gets so caught up in the conversation or the “deal” going down that it … Continue reading

Hotel Tips: Preserving Your Health, Back and Wallet

In a previous blog I shared a tip I learned from travel expert Peter Greenberg (the Today show’s travel editor). It had to do with staying healthy at hotels. Greenberg suggests rinsing the bathroom glasses in hot water for at least three minutes in case a housekeeper was short on time and didn’t replace the ones left from the last guest. The tip itself is handy, though it does make you wonder about the types of living conditions travelers expose themselves to during hotel stays. Not that you need to arm yourself with gloves and a face mask to ward … Continue reading