6 Ways to Begin a Healthier Lifestyle

The warm weather is finally upon us. You can’t help but notice how great some people look in their shorts. You are now feeling motivated to get healthy. How do you begin? By following these 6 suggestions, you will at least be on your way. Every successful story has a beginning and perhaps today is your day. The first tip is to get out and walk. You don’t have to go and spend a lot of money on a gym membership. You don’t have to invest in workout equipment. Just start by walking. Walking is a great way to break … Continue reading

Staying Active Despite Your Desk Job

If there is one detriment to maintaining an active lifestyle it is a desk job. Some people, me included, spend hours sitting in a chair staring at a computer screen. Apparently there are some offices who have found a way to work around this; workstations that fit over treadmills. What a great idea. The original concept of this came from a man who suffered a leg injury in 2008. Up until then he had been active. So he came up with what is called the “TrekDesk.” He was able to continue working, walk off 26 pounds, get better sleep and … Continue reading

When a Chronic Condition Interrupts Your Fitness Routine

It is so frustrating to have a good fitness routine going, only to see it crumble because of sickness. I have been battling a severe flair-up of costochondritis for about two weeks now. The inflammation and pain have prevented me from doing any form of exercise, let alone light housework, without exacerbating the problem. I have also had to come to the realization that I likely suffer from a chronic form of it, so this won’t be the last time my life is interrupted. I guess it helps me to somewhat understand what others go through who have conditions like … Continue reading

Adjusting Your Health and Fitness Plan

Lately I have been writing about my mid-year goals and the changes I have been making. Since my last blog my schedule has changed and I am going to make some adjustments. For my healthy eating goals I am still going to keep up my current plan of three fruits and three veggies a day. To do this I am going to buy my veggies once or twice a week. Then I will put them in those small reusable containers in the fridge already to go to take to work. For fruit I am going to have some bananas, melon, … Continue reading

How Walking Can Benefit Your Marriage.

Walking can be good for your marriage. How? Here are four ways it can be of benefit to your marriage. 1. Walk with your spouse Walking together with your spouse can be a great time to talk things over, to simply enjoy being together, to discuss problems, talk about the kids. Mick and I do a lot of talking while we are out walking which is something we try and do most days. Yes Mick is retired these days which gives us more options regarding walking time, but even when he was working we would walk together sometimes before but … Continue reading

Can You Be Fit Forever?

According to fitness experts, yes, you can–provided you keep working out well past retirement. No one enjoys living with the aches, pains and overall discomfort that come with aging, so to avoid the lower back spasms and stiff joints, fitness experts advise to stick with a well-rounded exercise routine as you get on in years. Backing up the experts’ advice is a new study, which found that fitness, strength and flexibility do not simply fade away with age, as long as you make the right lifestyle choices. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that individuals who partake in aerobic activity, … Continue reading

Ways to Integrate Exercise into Your Life

No one says you have to train like an Olympian to shed pounds. You can burn calories simply by taking a moderately paced stroll around your neighborhood. The key is motivating yourself to making exercise a part of your daily life. I know; easier said than done, right? My suggestion: Start off slow, but be consistent. Here are some tips that have served me well over the years: Workout in front of the TV. That doesn’t necessarily mean watching an exercise video, it just means being an active TV watcher. Instead of vegging out on the couch while you watch, … Continue reading

How Much Does Your Pet Influence Your Lifestyle?

A week or two ago, I saw a story on Today about people who take their pets to work. I didn’t catch the full story, however. I think it was really more about how much pets influence some people’s lives. All aspects of it. Work One of the men profiled in the Today piece explained how he had moved his workplace for his dog. Apparently he runs his own business and leases office space. When a landlord prohibited pets from being in the building, the man went and found more accommodating office space elsewhere. But other people who didn’t own … Continue reading

Healthy Workout Tips

Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to boost your energy, boost your calorie burn, and love your workouts more. Change your shoes. The usual advice on replacing your sneakers is to pick up a new pair every 400 miles or so. But if your activities aren’t measured in mileage, what do you do? Try to replace your sneakers after 150 hours of activity — that’s every five months if you wear your sneakers for an hour every day. They may still look new at that point, but the important internal cushioning may … Continue reading

What Type of Exercise Fits the Lifestyle of a Single Parent?

I have written before about how important I think exercise is to a single parent and with my conviction, you might think I am a big sporty sort. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. While I was definitely more active in my youth, I have found some pretty basic types of exercise work well with my busy and unpredictable life as a single parent. My exercise has changed over the years—when my children were smaller, we used to do a lot of swimming and bike riding since those were activities that we could do together. That was, of course, … Continue reading