Make Life & Fitness Easier for Yourself

Wouldn’t it be great if we had a magic wand that we could just wave that would make fitness easier to attain? I used to think that some people were just born fit and other people, well – we weren’t so lucky. Fitness is a state of mind, it’s who you want to be. It’s not just saying I want to be fit, it’s being active. In the words of a writer, fitness is about show, don’t tell. Lifestyle Choices When you make the choice to be more fit, you are talking about making lifestyle choices. The lifestyle choice could … Continue reading

Thoughts to Ponder When Returning to College

I love to look over the forum threads in all of the various categories. Often these threads can inspire me to write. A recent thread that I noticed was about a very important educational and career decision. The decision was to either take a less stressful and easier road of LPN or a more difficult and more stressful road to RN. While these decisions can only be made by the individual and by the heart, it is important to keep a reality check when returning to school. Many women are now returning to school after having children. A lot of … Continue reading

Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is not the same as being self-indulgent. Being accepting of yourself and your flaws is not the same as being lazy and unwilling to make healthy changes. Self kindness is: Recognizing things you do that are harmful to yourself and stopping them. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from within. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from others. Being honest about your flaws and outstanding qualities. Asking for help when you need it. Resting when you need it. Believing in yourself. Choosing to make changes in your life. Self kindness is not: … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action Week 3, Day 3: Bad Habits & Exercise

I’ve talked about making exercise a habit before. A good habit is one that is beneficial to you and helps you to feel good in positive ways. Regular exercise can increase dopamine levels in your brain. Dopamine is the chemical that increases your feelings of well being, joy and elation. It’s this elevated dopamine that can keep you coming back for more, each and every day. Bad Habits Exercise is a great habit and forming this habit is one of the best things you can do for yourself. In the meanwhile, as you work on generating a great habit with … Continue reading

Oh For a Celebrity Body!

At night, as I try to fit planning for healthy meals into my already hectic schedule I find myself watching mindless stuff on TV. Mindless TV for me is celebrity related as I’m not someone who has the slightest bit of interest in what Paris Hilton is doing on videos or whether or not Brittany wears panties! However watching these celebrities slink their way down a red carpet I do envy the fact that they can get into those dresses – well some of them anyway, others I wouldn’t even give to a thrift store! Standing in line at the … Continue reading

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda – Resolutions & Change

It’s time for making new resolutions and changes. It’s a time for planning ahead to the New Year. It’s a time to think about the things you want to do and the changes you want to make in your life and for your life. The two most often made resolutions and most often broken are to eat less and exercise more. I’m sure if we made a plan to eat more and exercise less, we’d do just fine, but the truth is – we need to stop saying I should do this or I could do this or I would … Continue reading

Day 3: I’m Still Not Smoking

I should probably title this piece, I’m a non-smoker, but I’m not there yet – mentally. I still feel that urge to have a cigarette. Yesterday, I was in the car running errands and I reached for the cigarettes as a habit until I realized they weren’t in the car and that I’d even gotten rid of my ashtray. It was such a knee jerk to reach for the cigarettes that I actually felt my heart speed up for a moment with adrenaline as fear hit me. I couldn’t have a cigarette. And yes, for a few seconds that generated … Continue reading

Stop Smoking: Exercise Can Help

I made a confession earlier – today I took the first step in stopping smoking. I am not lighting a cigarette. I am cleaning out the ashtray. I am dismantling my ‘smoking area’ where I go to smoke. I am changing habits formed over 20 years of addiction in order to break that addiction and put myself in the non-smoking section of the restaurant. Exercise Can Help When you are trying to quit smoking, it can be incredibly hard and not just because of the withdrawal symptoms and the changes in daily habits, the rise in stress levels, but also … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Motivators – Five Ways to Motivate Your Success

Do you need some motivation in your fitness goals? Do you need some ways to get you going? Are you looking for a way to keep you from skipping your workout? Are you looking for a way to not only get you to your workout, but also to make you grin as you eagerly look forward to it? Here are five ways to motivate your success: Buy New Fitness Gear – Seriously, buying new fitness gear can inspire you to enjoy your workout whether it’s a jazzy colored top or more comfortable workout pants or even fun workout shoes! Hire … Continue reading

The Ten Plus Ten Tips for Fitness Thursday

We talked about Thursday’s top ten earlier today and I came up with ten more – so call this your Thursday Ten Plus Ten Tips for better fitness. These are all ideas to help inspire you, motivate you, guide you or just to think about. Some tips may work for you and some tips may not. What’s important is to discover what works for you. I love my top ten lists and a top ten plus ten has got to be ten times better. So without further ado, here are my ten plus ten tips. When it comes to fitness, … Continue reading