How Breaking Your Budget is Bad for Your Health

Here is another reason to stay on your budget. Breaking it can actually be bad for your health. Agonizing about how you are going to afford a new purchase can stay with you, even after you solve the problem. Researchers now say that our brains don’t like being in debt. Having fears about money affect our health long term. Whether we realize it or not, debt causes stress, and stress causes poor health. Stress and pain seem to register much more strongly than does pleasure. So, the next time you feel ready to break your budget, keep this in mind. … Continue reading

LDS Holistic Living Conference

Did you know about the LDS Holisitic Living Conference? I didn’t either until last year when a friend of mine told me about it, and now, it is coming up again this weekend. I’m hoping I get the opportunity to go. If not this year, then definitely next year. What is it all about? Well, it is a one day conference dedicated to teaching members of the church about living healthier lives, both physically and spiritually. While the church does not officially endorse this conference, it is full of good information for any member of the church that wants to … Continue reading

Dealing with Your Triggers

In my last blog I talked about knowing your triggers…the things that cause you to slip from making healthy food choices or staying consistent with exercise. I mentioned that sadness is my trigger for eating the wrong things and stress for failing to exercise. Hopefully you have taken the time to really consider what it is that triggers your lack of consistency. It can be the biggest detriment to living a healthy, fit lifestyle. Recognizing those triggers is just the first step. You now have to do something with that knowledge. You should come up with some helpful ways to … Continue reading

Adjusting Your Health and Fitness Plan

Lately I have been writing about my mid-year goals and the changes I have been making. Since my last blog my schedule has changed and I am going to make some adjustments. For my healthy eating goals I am still going to keep up my current plan of three fruits and three veggies a day. To do this I am going to buy my veggies once or twice a week. Then I will put them in those small reusable containers in the fridge already to go to take to work. For fruit I am going to have some bananas, melon, … Continue reading

Making Healthy Living Your Lifestyle

Healthy living for some people comes naturally. For others it takes effort, time and some adjustments to their lifestyle. First take a look at your lifestyle. What are you eating? What are you doing in your spare time? How much exercise do you get each week? How many hours of sleep a night do you get? After taking a look at where you are at, pick one or two things to work on. It could even be a small change in what you drink or eat. For example, if you are an excessive coffee or soda drinker, scaling down to … Continue reading

Would You Be Happier to Be Thinner Than Your Spouse?

Would you be happier if you were thinner than your spouse? I recently read in “Health News” that a new study from the University of Tennessee found that women who had a lower body mass index (BMI) than their husband in the first few years of marriage were much more satisfied. What they discovered is that it really had less to do with how skinny the wife was and more to do with her BMI. They apparently followed 169 couples, from the beginning of their marriages through the next four years. Men were also more satisfied when they had lower … Continue reading

Be a Healthy Example to Your Children

We really are our kid’s best example. While we strive to make healthy changes to our lifestyle, we should be making sure that our children embrace the same desire. If we don’t pass on a healthy lifestyle to our children, then we are just setting them up for future health problems, let alone self esteem issues. Obesity is a real problem in this country and it is becoming an increasingly significant problem amongst children. It is easier for children to not be active—computers, television, video game systems, iPods and the like are drawing children to become couch potatoes. As parents … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: August 2008

With August passed, it will be hard to hold on to summer, but fortunately, we have a lot of memories of the “dog days.” We also have lots of great articles about saving money, something that is pretty important these days. Take a look at what was posted in August. August 1st Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008 July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: August 4th Through August 10th

Saving money, earning money and reusing what you have are all part of living a frugal lifestyle. We know how to do these things in the way we run our homes. But, isn’t it nice when an entire country makes the effort to be frugal? That is the case with China and the Summer Olympics. Take a look at this story, plus an entire week’s worth of other frugal articles. August 4th Frugal Living Week in Review: July 28th Through August 3rd Do you want to save money? Check out the past week’s articles about frugal living. August 5th Cost … Continue reading

Differences in Lifestyles

Recently I have been discussing couples in which the mates have opposite personalities and thoughts. While there are sure to be some clashes along the way, these couples can have a very healthy and happy relationship. They simply ne dot learn how to communicate and relate to one another. The first difference that I discussed was in decision making. Some people make decisions with their minds and others with their hearts. Today I will take a look at the different views that some people take concerning their lifestyle. Some people live their life by a plan book. They want everything … Continue reading