The Many Benefits of Walking

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a walk by the lakefront in our hometown of Milwaukee. The reason had less to do with exercise and more about getting out of the house. We had just experienced our firstborn child leaving the home. He left for basic training in Texas with the Air Force. We were left with a lot of mixed feelings. Dealing with our emotions was difficult. At times we were even at odds with each other, which is why my husband suggested a walk by the lake. For some reason being away … Continue reading

The Power of Walking

Earlier this month I read a report from the “Centers of Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC) that compared to five years ago, more people have taken up walking. It is one of the most popular forms of exercise. It really isn’t a surprise. After all, it’s free and a form of exercise that virtually anyone can enjoy. While this is good news, the CDC also says that not enough Americans are meeting federal guidelines when it comes to exercise. In fact, almost a third of the population remains inactive. What are the federal guidelines? They are at least two-and-a-half hours … Continue reading

Striiv Brings Gaming and Fitness Together

There is a new device that is said to take what Wii Fit does in your home, and turn into something motivating and useful when you are outside the home. It is called Striiv, a portable device that can measure your movements and provide you with rewards based on your level of activity. The cost will be $99. Similar to a pedometer, it can track your steps. But you can also set goals and play games with friends. It is taking the world of gaming (including social gaming) to a whole different level. The hope is to reach those who … Continue reading

Adjusting Your Health and Fitness Plan

Lately I have been writing about my mid-year goals and the changes I have been making. Since my last blog my schedule has changed and I am going to make some adjustments. For my healthy eating goals I am still going to keep up my current plan of three fruits and three veggies a day. To do this I am going to buy my veggies once or twice a week. Then I will put them in those small reusable containers in the fridge already to go to take to work. For fruit I am going to have some bananas, melon, … Continue reading

Your Waist Size and Walking

People are often most concerned about their weight, using it a measuring tool to determine success. I know I am guilty of this too, but there is something else I am more concerned about- waist size. Research has show that the size of your waist can determine if you are likely to have heart disease and other health problems. Several research articles I have read encourage woman to have a less than a 35 inch waist and men to have less than a 40 inch waist. Following these guidelines can help save your heart and life. The research shows that … Continue reading

Making Small, Achievable Goals

Have you ever noticed there seems to be more people running or walking in your neighborhood in the beginning of the year? This is probably because every January many people make New Year’s resolutions, often about their eating and exercise habits. Although I do this too, I am a fan of something even better. I like to call it ‘making small, ACHIEVABLE goals’. Let me elaborate. In January I could say, “I want to lose 20 lbs this year”. If that is what you’re thinking, then you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. Every time you go on the … Continue reading

Top 10 Cheapest Fitness Equipment

Sometimes people who are ready to engage in or are thinking about fitness believe that they have to spend a lot of money. We tend to think that those who get the most benefit out of a fitness program are those who join a gym. But that isn’t necessarily true. You really can get fit using very cheap equipment. Here we are going to take a look at the top 10 cheapest fitness equipment that will get you on your way to a fit lifestyle. The first cheap fitness equipment is shoes. Why shoes? Well you certainly could spend a … Continue reading

How to Make Walking a Fun Activity

I don’t know that I exactly have attention deficit disorder but I am definitely one of those types of people that likes to multi-task. Doing just one thing is usually not enough for me. I have to be doing two things at once. So when it comes to walking, I can find it to be a very boring activity. Overall I enjoy walking but if I am just walking and doing nothing else, I get quickly bored. Music on my iPod is a nice distraction but even that can become tedious. One of the ways to make walking a more … Continue reading

Mall Walking for Fitness

I’m always looking for new and fun ways to stay fit. Mall walking is a great way to keep fit. If you live anywhere near one you might try walking the mall for an hour everyday. I don’t know about you but I get bored very easily when I am walking. I always change up my walking routine so that I don’t have to look at the same scenery over and over again. Mall walking gives you the opportunity to see new things. One of the benefits to mall walking is that you can enjoy other activities at the same … Continue reading

Fitness Footwear

I once drove 120 miles to get my hands on a pair of discontinued running shoes. For some reason Nike constantly gets rid of the shoes that I perform best in. Seriously. Every single pair of Nike running shoes I’ve completed marathons in has been yanked from store shelves leaving me to scour the Internet for leftovers. When it comes to exercise and footwear, most people are quite loyal to their stomps. However, I recently considered straying from my beloved Nikes to try out a pair of performance enhancing EasyTone shoes by Reebok. The popular show manufacturer recently debuted its … Continue reading