Have You Ever Gotten a Sports Massage?

You don’t need to be a pro athlete to get one, but you do need to have the tolerance of one to appreciate the vigorous kneading, pummeling, poking and forceful pushing that comes with a traditional sports massage. I got my first sports massage a few weeks after completing my first marathon. I would have loved to get one directly after running 26.2 miles, but the line for the massage tent was longer than the race route itself (at least it looked that way), so I opted for a warm shower instead. If you’ve ever had a sports massage, then … Continue reading

Aimee’s Health Resolutions for 2009

Looking back at 2008, I did manage to keep a few of my resolutions (and failed on some others). I haven’t been using the free gym at my complex, but I did discover that the hot tub is open all year. I have been walking more (with and without the dogs), and even got out on my bike a few times. I have lost twelve pounds over the last year, thanks to my work at the cats-only boarding facility. All that bending, lifting, and general running around has whittled me down a little without it seeming like “exercise” or “hard … Continue reading

Are Your Muscles Sore?

Have you ever rolled over in the morning and felt so stiff you could hardly reach the alarm clock? It’s a pretty common phenomenon we’ve all experienced after a particularly arduous physical workout whether it was helping a friend move or taking the kids out for an extended day at the water park or just pushing that extra set in the gym. It’s called delayed muscle soreness and for many it’s a huge turn off from exercising. After all, if they feel worse after doing it – why would they do it? If you understand what causes sore muscles, you … Continue reading

What Do You Really Want for Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is May 13th. What do you really want? According to respondents of a survey by the Family Education Network, moms aren’t dreaming of fancy chocolates or breakfast in bed. What many women want for Mother’s Day are things like having their kids make their own bed and time to just “hang out”. Sweet perfume and diamonds are great but what else do moms want? Here’s a sampling of what some moms said: *Time alone* *Coupons for days off (when the responsibility of taking care of the kids falls to the husband)* *Spending time with gal pals* *A night … Continue reading

Keep Yourself Fit: Get a Massage

A massage benefits your health, physically and mentally. A massage sounds so decadent and luxurious that it is often associated with pampering the rich and the famous. However, the fitness benefits of massage are so profound that even health insurance companies are getting involved to help cover the bills. If you have ever been injured, massage can help you heal your body because it smoothes the flow of the body’s fluids and helps muscles to relax. Massage can decrease the tension in muscles that are sore from a workout or that have lost vitality after being bound up in a … Continue reading

Massage for Mother’s Day: A Great Gift Idea

A massage is a great Mother’s Day gift for the woman who enjoys it or who may have always wanted to try it out, but has never had the opportunity. Massage dates back to the time of the Ancient Greeks and has seen a renaissance in modern day America. So what is all the fuss about? More than just a glorified back rub, a massage provides you with some great physiological benefits including relaxing tense and sore muscles, increasing blood and oxygen flow to the massaged areas and frankly, it feels good. You spend 30, 45 or 60 minutes on … Continue reading

Mother-Daughter Vacations

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate the occasion than with a mother-daughter vacation. (For you moms with sons… I will spotlight mother-son vacations in a future blog.) Like all relationships the one between mother and daughter evolves over time. From the adoring younger years to the tricky teenage years to the moment when daughters become mothers themselves and suddenly the relationship takes on new meaning. Here are some vacation ideas tailored to each age group. American Girl Place — Los Angeles, New York, Chicago American Girl Place is a retail and entertainment site. … Continue reading