The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle

  For 6 days only, more than 75 widely-known bloggers and authors in the homemaking sphere have joined together to offer 97 of their most popular eBooks and eCourses, valued at just over $600, for the incredibly low price of $29.97! More than anything, the goal for this sale was for it to be, well… ultimate! We firmly believe that you will not find a more comprehensive collection of homemaking resources anywhere on the web, and particularly not in this price range. For this low price, you gain access to every single one of these resources, so that you can customize your own collection to contain … Continue reading

Moms Living with Chronic Back Pain

Is lower back pain keeping you sitting on the sideline of your own life? Like so many moms, I have been spending the last several years carting around infants, toddlers, and groceries, picking up stray toys and toting baskets of laundry. Now that my kids are older and I am spending more time working at my desk and driving them around in endless carpools, my lower back pain is flaring up again. Chronic back pain has plagued me in my adult life. I have gone through phases in my life where I have made more time for exercise and health. … Continue reading

Grandmother Bullied on School Bus

Oh the lessons you can learn on a school bus. Lesson #1: Don’t bully an innocent grandmother/bus monitor, and then smirk as someone shoots video of you in the act. Because… Lesson #2: The chances of said video going viral are astronomical and… Lesson #3: The chances of said grandmother having the last laugh are even greater. Just ask Karen Klein. The 68-year-old grandmother from upstate New York has endured plenty of pain in her life, including the death of her beloved husband and the tragic loss of her son to suicide. However, it took a bus full of tweenage … Continue reading

Beginners in Fitness

For many people, this is the time of year when they start thinking about getting ready for the warmer months. The thought of starting a fitness routine may be in your mind but it could be that you don’t know where to begin. With so many different types of exercise and a variety of formats to choose from, it can be confusing to get started. It may even lead to some feeling so overwhelmed that they never move forward. Let’s be clear on one thing…if you are a beginner, you shouldn’t try to incorporate intense exercise into your fitness plan. … Continue reading

Eating Habits Of Busy Moms

I worry about what I’ve taught my daughter about food. One area that I don’t worry about is body image, she and I are both naturally thin and can pretty much eat anything we want. I don’t think Hailey has ever even heard me use the word diet and she’s certainly never seen me deprive myself of my favorite foods. What I worry about is all the packaged and convenience foods she’s eaten over the years. When I was married I cooked most nights, actual meals, not just heating something up in the microwave. When I got divorced I worked … Continue reading

Time for a Little Pampering

As single moms we are always putting our children first, but sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves too. Everybody knows that taking on the responsibilities of a single parent can be overwhelming. It takes a toll on every aspect of your life. After a while you just get burned out. When you start feeling like you’re on the verge of breaking down take a little time out to pamper yourself. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah right, I’m a single mom. I don’t have the time or the money to pamper myself!” I’ve been there, I know … Continue reading

Vacation Means a Break from Fitness

Most of us who take a vacation during the summer don’t worry about keeping up with our fitness routines. Yes, I know…there are some die-hard fitness buffs out there that won’t let a vacation stop them from exercising. There is nothing wrong with that but think about the point of a vacation. A vacation is a time to break away from normal. Even taking a break from exercise can actually be a good thing. And it is highly unlikely you will gain all sorts of weight during this time, unless you completely overindulge yourself. It is an opportunity to not … Continue reading

The Connection Between Sleep, Exercise, and Mental Health

I know my mental health has had its ups and downs, as I’m sure yours has too. So what do we do when we’re not at our best emotionally? When my mental self is not at its healthiest, most often I’m lacking in some basic areas, such as sleep and exercise. For me, these two things have a direct impact on my mental health. First, if I go for extended periods without enough sleep, I will soon be grouchy, agitated, and angry at the world. I tend to snap on people for no reason and have limited impulse control. But … Continue reading

Keeping Fit During the Busy Holiday Season

While the holidays is known to be a time of struggle in overcoming the many temptations that face us…Christmas cookies, eggnog and the unending feasts available at Holiday parties…it is also a busy time of year. Busyness can put fitness on the backburner for many people. In fact, December is probably one of the hardest months of the year for fitness enthusiasts. Not only are we faced with many delicious temptations but we oftentimes find we are so busy that squeezing in time for exercise becomes difficult. While you may find your time to be stretched, there are ways you … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays

The end of November and into the New Year is when many people struggle with fitness. This is a time of year where weight is gained due to the holiday celebrations. In addition many people who got their exercise outdoors are now stuck inside during these cold winter months and lose their motivation. Then there are people who have no problem letting loose because they figure once the New Year comes, they can start again. You can survive the holiday season and still maintain a fitness routine. It won’t be easy but with some discipline and the right perspective you … Continue reading