Help! I Need Motivation to Cook

Cook from scratch to save money. It is automatic. Unless you are springing for prime cuts of steak or exotic mushrooms (in which case, feel free to cook a meal for me some time), you will always spend more money eating out than you will cooking from scratch, especially when you factor in nutrition. Heating up a frozen pizza you picked up from the grocery store doesn’t count. Those things are expensive, too (and tiny; they are very tiny). Still knowing something is good for you and your budget and actually doing it are too different things, as most of … Continue reading

Motivation Is Key

I talk a lot about motivation when it comes to fitness. That’s because it is key to starting up and maintaining a fit lifestyle. Motivation has two general definitions. The first is “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” So this means that an individual’s reasons for wanting to be fit are unique to that person. For some people it is to get healthier. This can be a huge motivation for those who are diagnosed with certain types of health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. For other people their reason is … Continue reading

Inspiration And Motivation Part One

Sometimes when you are having a hard time getting things done for your home-based business, you may wonder what exactly is holding you back. Sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control that prevent you from working as much as you want to, and that is a different issue. If you find that you do have the time to work but you do not seem to be doing all that much work during that time, a lack of motivation or a lack of inspiration may be the culprit. It can be difficult to distinguish between inspiration and motivation sometimes. When you … Continue reading

Adventure to Inspire – Homeschool Blog Review

Over the last month, I’ve had the chance to talk with ToriAnn Perkey, homeschooling mom who runs the blog Adventure to Inspire. As we’ve chatted, we’ve investigated her reasons for choosing homeschool for her family, and today I’d like to talk about the blog itself. I was first introduced to the blog by her husband, Josh. I’m usually a little leery when someone says, “Hey, my wife blogs. Check it out.” But I’ve known and respected Josh for a long time, so I headed on over. What I found was an awesome resource. There are articles sharing thoughts and ideas, … Continue reading

How to Clean Your Keyboard

The home office is usually one of the places in your home that can get neglected when it comes to cleaning. Here are some tips on how to get it clean without too much effort. In your home it can get pretty obvious to everyone when the bathroom isn’t clean or when there are dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, but the home office is another story. Usually tucked away, we tend not to notice the dust piling up, or we don’t want to disturb the mountain of papers that are piled up. But we don’t have to live … Continue reading

4 Keys to Weight Loss

Now that I’ve been blogging for awhile in the weight loss category, I’ve read quite a few articles, studies and just plain opinion on losing weight. I qualify it into two categories: the ‘magic bullets’ of weight loss which are really not that magical. And then there’s the other category which makes weight loss slower, but leads to overall health and frankly makes a lot more sense. These four things seem to keep cropping up over and over again, so I thought I would summarize what seem to be the best things to keep in mind while losing weight. Key … Continue reading

More Miss Malarkey Books – Judy Finchler

We continue our Miss Malarkey series with “Testing Miss Malarkey.” A big test is coming up in school, formerly known as the Instructional Performance Through Understanding test, abbreviated to I.P.T.U, and called, by the children, the “I Pity You” test. Miss Malarkey seems nervous about it and has been working hard to prepare the children to do well on it. She says THE TEST (she always refers to it in capital letters) isn’t that important, and that it won’t go on the report cards, but why does she chew her fingernails whenever she talks about it? She’s been cramming as … Continue reading

Christmas Music & Motivation

Yes, it’s more than a little early, but I love Christmas music. When it comes to working out, sometimes the choices in music that you make can help you really rev up your performance and your enjoyment. While Christmas itself is still 8 weeks away, you might consider incorporating a few Christmas songs in your iPod mix or compilation CD. Most forms of art, including music, can stimulate endorphins in the brain. It’s why music can be very uplifting, it can bring tears to our eyes or put a smile on our faces. Christmas music is often very uplifting and … Continue reading

Tips for Becoming a More Empathetic Parent

No one every said that being a parent would always be easy. There will be times when your child’s behavior frustrates you (or makes you angry). Many people “lose their cool” when they feel stressed and overwhelmed. Children need parents who are empathetic to their needs. Here are some tips to help you become a more empathetic parent. There is an article in the Huffington Post titled “How to Be an Empathetic Parent, Even When It Feels Hard”. It was written by Andrea Nair. She is a psychotherapist and parenting educator who teaches people how to be empathetic. In her … Continue reading

Snowing in Spring…Adjusting Our Frugal Plans

It is a few days past the official start of spring, and I am looking at a wintry wonderland just outside my window. The salt trucks and plows have been by, but they have to be diligent. Already the driveway and roads are covered with white. Despite about three inches of snow on the ground already and more to come, schools are not closed today. There is no excessive wind, and we are used to snow. The weather has been wrecking some havoc with our spring frugal plans. We can’t get started on our garden, and may lose out on … Continue reading