New Year – New Fitness Campaigns

According to the latest statistics and government figures, 65% of Americans, about 195 million people are overweight. What was once considered a minority is now the majority and this epidemic just seems to be growing out of all proportion – pardon the pun. Understanding the dangers of being overweight and obese, the American Heart Association is devoting its time and resources to a new fitness campaign, aimed to educate and support. Through their free Start! program, the American Heart Association is inviting Americans to follow their hearts and their fitness resolutions. The tracker will allow you to enter what you … Continue reading

New York Steps Up to the Plate

New Yorkers are known for being an independent bunch and they are by their very nature survivors. This week, New York steps up to the plate in the area of fitness as the New York City’s health department announced that restaurants in New York City have to phase out artificial fats that are widely used in frying, baked goods and other food products. Trans fats, as they are known as, raise the bad LDL cholesterol levels and lower the HDL cholesterol. This can increase inflammation of the internal organs and is considered a major contributor to heart disease. The chairman … Continue reading

End of the year homeschool reports

It is almost that time! Depending on where you live, and what stage your homeschooler is in, it is very likely that you need to summarize your homeschoolers year. Personally, I need to compile my son’s year in an effort to get his college entry portfolio started. I am also required to write a report for my own records for both kids, so this is what I will do. In other states, you may actually need to mail a report to the school district. For my personal needs, I keep my kids end year report pretty simple. I list the … Continue reading

Trans Fat, Fast Foods, Truth in Advertising and Responsibility

I have been avoiding this topic like the plague. However, I love food and I love to write about it. The ban on trans fat in New York City as well as other proposed legislation is hot button issue in food right now. Frankly, I long for a simpler time when food was just there for eating but such is the case no longer. You may have heard that New York City banned trans fat in all its restaurants. Eateries have until July of 2008 to get rid of the artery clogging substance. My opinion? This is a good move. … Continue reading

The Fitness Week in Review – December 5-8

The week was a short one due to the health crisis my family suffered this week. We’re back on track however, so our week in review is going to be shorter than normal. We’re spending the month of December trying to maintain our fitness and kicking off new fitness programs as well as preparing to make our New Year’s Resolutions. So here are our few articles from this week, please don’t hesitate to let me know your questions or preferences for more articles in the future. Tuesday, December 5 In Dear Heather: I Have a Question we launched a new … Continue reading